24 essential dive bars in Orlando you should know by now (2024)

Food + Drink

We spend a lot of time and energy here at Orlando Weekly telling you about the latest and greatest trends in the libation space. New bar programs, interesting co*cktails and themed pop-ups are our bread and butter (to say nothing of butterbeer). But that doesn't mean we don't appreciate a good special on pitchers from an everyday hole in the wall.

In fact, journalist salaries being what they are, you're more likely to find a Weeklian holding court at one of Orlando's many dives than any other corner of the city. There's something to be said for a place that's cool, dark and cheap. Luckily, Orlando has them in abundance.

From downtown institutions like Tanqueray's to relative newcomers like District Dive, there are plenty of places to get a double of well whiskey and toast the City Beautiful. Check out a few of our favorites.


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24 essential dive bars in Orlando you should know by now (1)

B Nice/Facebook

B Nice

151 E Washington St

Dive's aren't normally noted for their stunning views. One upside of of Orlando being littered with lakes is that lakefront property isn't quite so precious. Where other cities would plop a wine bar or a snooty restaurant, we've placed this space for loud music and cheap drinks.

24 essential dive bars in Orlando you should know by now (2)

Bar One/Facebook

Bar One Orlando

1516 McCoy Rd., (407) 745-5829
Bar One has the spirit of a dive and the patio of a family-forward brewery. Doesn't hurt that you can ask for a co*cktail without being ushered out.

24 essential dive bars in Orlando you should know by now (3)

Big Daddy's/Facebook

Big Daddy's

3001 Corrine Drive

Every city on Earth has a dive bar called Big Daddy's. If your city has only one dive bar, chances are it's called Big Daddy's. Orlando's take on this time-honored tradition sets itself apart by being the spot for screaming karaoke at people who are just trying to play pool.

24 essential dive bars in Orlando you should know by now (4)


Burton's Thornton Park

801 E Washington St.
This dive bar pushes back against the tonier influences of Thornton Park. Even among the high-end bungalows and snooty shops, Burton's remains unapologetically itself: the kind of place to go when you really just want a High Life.

24 essential dive bars in Orlando you should know by now (5)

Casey's On Central/Instagram

Casey’s On Central

50 E Central Blvd.

There's always somebody playing in this memorabilia-decked hole. Venture into downtown after hours and see why its been a hit since 1998.

24 essential dive bars in Orlando you should know by now (6)



6923 Municipal Dr., (407)248-0105
They probably don't know your name at this Orlando bar. But you might not either if the cheap pitchers have anything to say about it.

24 essential dive bars in Orlando you should know by now (7)

District Dive/Facebook

District Dive

2401 E South St, (407) 601-2813
This LGBT dive bar opened up behind many others on this list. Without the patina of years of hardcores, how would folks know that District is casual? They settled for putting dive in the name and going all out on the availability of pool tables, dart boards and cheap drinks.

24 essential dive bars in Orlando you should know by now (8)


Grumpy’s Underground Lounge

1018 N Mills Ave, (813) 898-4717
This haven for live music and late-night vegan food has kept its corner of Mills humming for years.

24 essential dive bars in Orlando you should know by now (9)

Google Maps

Jerry's Nice and Easy

5470 Hoffner Ave, , (407) 447-5222
It's hard to find a good photo of the inside of Jerry's which is always a good sign for a dive bar

24 essential dive bars in Orlando you should know by now (10)

Lucky Lure

The Lucky Lure

1427 N Orange Ave, (407) 250-6949
Lucky Lure shows Orlando is spoiled for choice when it comes to dive bars with excellent views.

24 essential dive bars in Orlando you should know by now (11)

Nora's Sugar Shack

Nora’s Sugar Shack

636 Virginia Drive, (407) 447-5885
You can't just take a name like Nora's Sugar Shack. You have to earn it by being a proper dive. Luckily, this dog-friendly bar has the spirit.

24 essential dive bars in Orlando you should know by now (12)


O’Shucks Pub & Karaoke Bar

7467 International Drive, (407) 352-7892
Brave I-Drive for this great karaoke dive. Feel free to sing to confused tourists in a vintage ADTR 'f*ck You From Florida' tee.

24 essential dive bars in Orlando you should know by now (13)


Orena Sports Bar

6159 Westwood Blvd , (407) 370-0303
How often do you get the chance to play ping pong in a bar? This sports-focused dive also has decent bar grub.

24 essential dive bars in Orlando you should know by now (14)


Shovelhead Lounge

900 Hwy 17, Longwood

This Longwood hangout is a great place to grab drinks and catch a metal act or three.

24 essential dive bars in Orlando you should know by now (15)

Sly Fox/Facebook

Sly Fox Bar

63 N Orange Ave, (407) 601-4658
Another downtown Orlando staple, this pub is known as the home of the City Beautiful's emo night and a hotspot for vegan hot dogs.

24 essential dive bars in Orlando you should know by now (16)

St. Matthew's Tavern/Facebook

St. Matthew's Tavern

1300 N Mills Ave

St. Matthew's name is only semi-ironic. The gathering space for all kinds of folks started its life as both a bar and a meeting space for a local Catholic group on Sunday morning. That group's mass has moved on The Center but the "anyone's welcome" vibe has remained.

24 essential dive bars in Orlando you should know by now (17)

Stagger Inn/Facebook

Stagger Inn

100 E Central Blvd,, (407) 317-8484
Orlando might not be a hotspot for country music, but its propensity to pull folks from the piney woods of Central Florida is notable. They need somewhere to drink and Stagger Inn fits the bill quite nicely.

24 essential dive bars in Orlando you should know by now (18)

Suffering Bastard/Facebook

Suffering Bastard

200 South Myrtle Ave, Sanford

Florida does things a little different and that goes double for its dives. While Sanford's Suffering Bastard certainly nails the atmosphere of a typical dive, the menu is strictly tiki.

24 essential dive bars in Orlando you should know by now (19)



100 S. Orange Ave., (407) 649-8540
Tanqueray’s is quite literally a dive. You have to descend into this underground bar with live music everyday and an awesome atmosphere.

24 essential dive bars in Orlando you should know by now (20)

The Hideaway Bar

The Hideaway Bar

516 Virginia Dr.

This dive with a breezy patio has been a consistent presence for decades. New development in the area means that their home on Virginia drive might soon shuffle to a new spot across the street. Take in that hard-won essence while you can.

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24 essential dive bars in Orlando you should know by now (2024)
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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Views: 5915

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (56 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.