38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (2024)

B may be the second letter, but the number and diversity of animals that start with B do not disappoint! From pollinators, bats, and butterflies to merciless predators, boas, and bears, we'll uncover facts that will astonish you.

Our planet teems with an incredible variety of wildlife, and every letter of the alphabet boasts its share of intriguing animal species. As you delve into the world of B animals, you'll encounter creatures great and small, each possessing distinct traits and behaviors. Picture the majestic bald eagle soaring in the sky, the elusive bongo grazing in the African savannah, or the mysterious blobfish dwelling in the ocean's depths.

In addition, you'll meet the striking blue-footed booby, an intriguing bird known for its captivating courtship dance. You'll not only learn about the animals themselves but also uncover details about their habitats, diets, and the numerous challenges they face in the wild.

The exploration begins! And by the end of this article, you could have your new favorite animals starting with B.

All conservation status information in this article is sourced from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). For further reading, type their common or scientific names and download the complete report about the threats they face and conservation initiatives working to protect them.

List of animals that start with B

Quick links to our selection of animals that start with B:

  • 1. Baboon
  • 2. Bactrian Camel
  • 3. Badger
  • 4. Bald Eagle
  • 5. Barn Owl
  • 6. Barnacle
  • 7. Barracuda
  • 8. Basking Shark
  • 9. Bat
  • 10. Bear
  • 11. Beaver
  • 12. Beluga Whale
  • 13. Binturong
  • 14. Bison
  • 15. Black Bear
  • 16. Blackbird
  • 17. Blobfish
  • 18. Blue Jay
  • 19. Blue Marlin
  • 20. Blue Whale
  • 21. Bluefin Tuna
  • 22. Boa Constrictor
  • 23. Boar
  • 24. Bobcat
  • 25. Bongo
  • 26. Bonito
  • 27. Bonobo
  • 28. Booby
  • 29. Bowerbird
  • 30. Box Jellyfish
  • 31. Brown Bear
  • 32. Budgerigar
  • 33. Bullfrog
  • 34. Bumblebee
  • 35. Butterfly
  • 36. Bengal Tiger
  • 37. Butterfly Fish
  • 38. Bed Bugs

1. Baboon

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (1)

Fun Fact:Did you know baboons are one of the non-human primates that can recognize themselves in a mirror? This ability is a sign of self-awareness that dolphins and elephants also possess.

First on our list of animals that start with B are the ground-dwelling primates native to Africa. The baboons draw attention with their elongated snouts, hairless faces, and long, sharp canine teeth. They call various habitats home, including savannas, forests, and mountains.

As omnivores, baboons can walk more than four miles daily to search for fruits, seeds, insects, small mammals to eat, and even other primates occasionally.

Their foraging skills and feeding habits make them vital to their ecosystems, often acting as seed dispersers and controlling pests naturally. Even if IUCN declares most baboon species as animals of the least concern, they face threats like habitat loss, hunting, and disease. If we want to see them thriving in the wild and not in zoos, let’s continue to protect these primates.

To learn more about the diversity of primates, head over to our article about the 23 Different Types of Monkeys or read more baboon facts.

2. Bactrian Camel

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (2)

Fun Fact:Did you know Bactrian camels have two sets of eyelashes and three sets of eyelids to protect their eyes from sand and dust in the desert?

Distinguished from its single-humped cousin, the dromedary camel, the Bactrian camel's iconic two humps store fat rather than water. This adaptation allows them to endure long periods without food or water, making them well-equipped for life in the arid environments of Central Asia.

These camels also possess an exceptional ability to withstand extreme temperature fluctuations. Their thick, shaggy coats protect them from temperatures as low as -40°F in the winter to the scorching summer heat reaching up to 120°F.

One famous example of Bactrian camels' historical significance is their role in the ancient Silk Road trade, where they served as reliable transportation across vast, inhospitable landscapes.

People still ride them today and obtain milk, wool, and meat. While the domesticated Bactrian camels thrive, IUCN classifies the wild species as critically endangered due to prolonged droughts and hunting. Establishments like Wild Camel Protection Foundation actively create programs to preserve their dwindling numbers.

Read more: Camel Facts.

3. Badger

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (3)

Fun Fact:Did you know badgers can release a stinky smell? While less funky than skunks, it serves the same purpose of deterring predators.

Belonging to the weasel family, badgers live in woodlands and hedgerows in Europe and North America. Nocturnal by nature, badgers’ striking black and white-striped faces allow them to recognize each other in the dark.

As expert excavators, badgers use their strong front legs and long, strong claws to create intricate underground homes known as setts. These subterranean dwellings can span up to 30 feet and feature multiple entrances and chambers for sleeping, nesting, and storing food.

As resourceful omnivores, a badger’s diet consists of small animals, insects, fruits, and vegetables. In addition, their opportunistic feeding habits enable them to thrive in various habitats, from grasslands and forests to urban environments.

Due to their adaptability, most species, fortunately, have the least concern conservation status. Still, we should not slow down on conserving their population.

Read more: Badger Facts.

4. Bald Eagle

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (4)

Fun Fact:Did you know Bald Eagles have a special third eyelid called a nictitating membrane that protects and moistens their eyes while still allowing them to see? This transparent membrane moves horizontally across the eye, acting like a windshield wiper for the eagle's vision.

How about a national animal starting with the letter B? The iconic Bald Eagle, symbolizing strength and freedom, effortlessly soars through North America's skies. The national bird of the USA captures attention with its striking white head and tail feathers.

With an impressive wingspan of up to 7 feet, these powerful birds glide over forests, lakes, and rivers. Then, together with their sharp eyesight to spot fish from high above, they dive with lightning speed, snatching their prey with razor-sharp talons.

Although Bald Eagles faced near extinction in the 20th century due to habitat destruction, pollution, and illegal hunting, dedicated conservation efforts have led to a remarkable recovery in their population.

In 2007, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Servicedelisted them from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife. However, even if they made a comeback, their protection remains an ongoing battle. Continued preservation efforts are essential for securing the future of this national bird, such as habitat restoration and reducing harmful chemical usage.

To evoke that sense of freedom these amazing birds represent, read our collection ofeagle quotes or learn more in our compilation of eagle facts.

5. Barn Owl

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (5)

Fun Fact:Did you know the barn owl's heart-shaped face is not just for looks? Called facial disks, it helps to funnel sound to their ears, allowing them to locate prey with accuracy, even in complete darkness!

The barn owl's striking heart-shaped face and ethereal appearance enchant people worldwide. But what sets them apart from other owl species is their vocalization. Instead of hooting, they only make screeching and raspy noises.

Barn owls build their homes in mixed environments, from abandoned buildings to tree cavities. They can also stay in specially designed nest boxes, which conservationists and bird enthusiasts increasingly use to protect and promote their populations.

Found across every continent except Antarctica, these nocturnal raptors are often welcomed in farmlands and rural areas, providing invaluable pest control services for farmers. So, the next time you explore the countryside or your backyard after sundown, keep your eyes peeled for the enchanting barn owl.

Want to explore more owl species? Check our list of12 different types of owls or learn more about these famous hooters in our owl facts.

6. Barnacle

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (6)

Fun Fact:Did you know barnacles have both male and female reproductive organs? So, even though they are hermaphrodites, they still need a neighboring barnacle to mate with.

Barnacles, a diverse group of marine crustaceans, can be found in various shallow and tidal waters across the globe. They permanently attach themselves to hard surfaces such as rocks, boats, and even the bodies of larger marine animals like whales and sea turtles.

Their larvae go through two distinct stages: nauplius and cyprid. The cyprid larvae are responsible for finding a suitable surface to attach to and metamorphose into an adult barnacle. This transition from a free-swimming larval stage to a sedentary adult is a unique aspect of barnacle development.

These crustaceans play an essential role in marine ecosystems. For example, they are a food source for various animals, such as fish, sea stars, and snails. Yet, they can also cause damage to man-made structures and vessels by increasing drag and promoting corrosion.

Even though they are a nuisance for some, in terms of conservation status, most barnacle species do not have threatened or endangered status.

7. Barracuda

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (7)

Fun Fact:Did you know barracudas are masters of camouflage? Juvenile barracudas are colored green or brown to blend in with the shallow, grassy areas near the shore. As they age, they have a silvery-gray color to match the open water habitat.

Unlike other marine predators, barracudas prefer solitary hunting. They often hide in the shadows of coral reefs and seagrass beds of tropical and subtropical waters. While young barracudas gather in schools to enhance their survival chances, they gradually become more independent and self-reliant as they mature.

Playing a vital role, barracudas, as apex predators, help regulate the population of smaller fish species and preserve the overall health of marine habitats.

Without these skilled hunters, the delicate balance of life beneath the waves would crumble, leading to unforeseen consequences in the intricate oceanic food chain. Thankfully, IUCN currently classifies all their species as animals of the least concern.

8. Basking Shark

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (8)

Fun Fact:Did you know the basking shark's liver can account for up to 25% of its body weight? This massive organ is full of oil to help the shark maintain buoyancy in the water.

Do you know this creepy-looking animal that starts with B? The basking shark, an eerie ocean giant, is often eclipsed by its distant and more fearsome cousin, the great white shark.

As the second-largest fish on the planet, basking sharks can reach up to 40 feet in length. But there's nothing to be afraid of since they are only filter feeders feasting on planktons and small crustaceans, unlike their predatory relatives.

Interestingly, the basking shark's unique behavior led to its name. During warmer months, they often appear near the ocean's surface, seemingly basking in the sun as they float with their dorsal fins exposed.

Regrettably, IUCN categorizes these gaping giants as endangered due to commercial fishing and moving ships.

9. Bat

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (9)

Fun Fact:Did you know a bat species is responsible for pollinating 528 plants at night? No fruits like guavas or mangoes could exist without chiropterophily or bat pollination.

As the only flying mammals, bats expertly navigate the darkness using echolocation, emitting high-pitched sounds that ricochet off objects and return to their large ears. Furthermore, over 1,400 species thrive in various ecosystems, from deserts and rainforests to urban environments.

Their diets are equally diverse, ranging from insects and fruits to nectar and even blood in the case of vampire bats. Aside from pollinating bats, insectivorous bats also voraciously consume pests. Some can eat up to 1,200 insects per hour, proving their crucial role in controlling insect populations.

Unfortunately, these flying mammals' populations decline due to habitat loss, climate change, and disease. Furthermore, often misunderstood and feared, bats suffer from unwarranted persecution, overshadowing their roles in maintaining ecological balance.

To know more about these nocturnals through the lens of various people, you can check our handpickedbat quotes or learn more in our rundown of bat facts.

10. Bear

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (10)

Fun Fact:Did you know the polar bear is the only bear species considered a marine mammal? Scientists classified them as marine mammals since they mostly live on sea ice and rely on the ocean for food.

Bears from the Ursidae family have eight extant species, all vicious carnivores. Some roam the dense forests of North America and scale the rugged mountains of Europe. And others even wander the frozen expanses of the Arctic.

As we have learned from many children's stories and documentaries, most bears undergo hibernation to survive winter. Brown bears, for example, cozy up in a den during winter months. Their metabolism slows down, and they survive solely on their fat reserves.

In addition to their physical prowess, bears possess excellent memories, which help them find food sources they may have discovered years before. They use tools like rocks and sticks to achieve tasks such as hunting and gathering food.

Fortunately, we can continue observing their intelligence since IUCN does not classify bear species as endangered. Six of the eight species are vulnerable, and two are of the least concern.

Head to our collection ofbear factsto learn more about these predators.

11. Beaver

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (11)

Fun Fact:Did you know beavers' teeth never stop growing? This is because their gnawing champs constantly wear down their incisors by chewing on wood, preventing overgrowth. Just imagine having self-sharpening tools for a lifetime!

Beavers, nature's engineers, use their powerful jaws and ever-growing, sharp teeth to construct intricate dams and lodges. These resourceful creatures not only build homes for themselves but also develop essential habitats for a myriad of animals, making them keystone species.

Furthermore, their fur comprises two distinct layers: a dense, insulating undercoat and an outer layer of waterproof guard hairs. These features ensure they stay warm and dry, even when swimming in frigid waters.

Though mainly nocturnal, beavers thrive on social connections within their family units. These tight-knit families, known as colonies, collaborate to maintain their structures. Fortunately, we can continue to see their work as their numbers thrive in their natural habitats. IUCN reports the population of American and Eurasian Beavers is stable, but we should maintain it by coexisting with them.

Want to see more beaver pictures? Then, head to ourbeaver quotesand read more insights about these builders in our beaver facts.

12. Beluga Whale

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (12)

Fun Fact:Did you know belugas' rounded foreheads allow them to communicate? Their "melons" are soft, fatty structures paramount to the whale's echolocation abilities. As the beluga whale alters the shape of its melon to focus on sounds and interpret their echoes, it sends out a series of clicks, sensing the returning sound waves to create a mental image of its environment.

Beluga whales intrigue our imagination with their ghostly white appearance and fascinating behaviors. These cetaceans, also known as "sea canaries," are agile swimmers, partly thanks to their unique neck anatomy.

Unlike most whales, the beluga's cervical vertebrae are not fused, allowing it to move its head independently of its body. This exceptional maneuverability helps them navigate through narrow channels and ice formations of the Arctic Ocean in search of fish, crustaceans, and cephalopods.

Playfulness - that's what I think about belugas, as I have watched tons of videos online where they tease a kid ordance with a mariachi band. Even though we appreciate these kinds of encounters in aquariums, we should continue protecting their natural habitats. Thanks to conservation efforts of the last century, the IUCN categorizes the white whale as a species of least concern.

13. Binturong

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (13)

Fun Fact:Did you know binturong can smell like buttered popcorn? Researchers pinpointed 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline, or 2-AP, the chemical responsible for the theater snack smell in the animal's urine.

Tucked away in the dense foliage of South and Southeast Asia's rainforests, the peculiar-looking binturong is a medium-sized carnivore that navigates skillfully through the treetops, thanks to its prehensile tail.

They are also commonly known as bearcats but are unrelated to bears, weasels, or cats. Instead, they belong to the Viverridae family alongside civets and genets.

Sadly, the binturong's existence is threatened, with their numbers dwindling due to habitat loss and hunting. In addition, the demand for their meat and fur, coupled with their significance in traditional Southeast Asian medicine, has made them particularly vulnerable to illegal wildlife trade.

As a result, IUCN classifies them as vulnerable species. Conservationists work relentlessly to protect these creatures to ensure their continuous ecological contributions.

14. Bison

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Fun Fact:Did you know bison are excellent swimmers? They can easily cross rivers and lakes, using their massive heads as a buoyancy aid.

The mighty bison, an unmistakable symbol of the American West, once freely roamed the continent in vast herds, numbering in the millions. Characterized by their shaggy fur and robust build, bison graze on open grasslands, encouraging diverse vegetation growth and fostering a thriving habitat for numerous other species.

As North America's largest land mammal, bison have few predators. Yet, even with their build, they can reach exceptional speeds of up to 40 miles per hour when necessary.

For Native American tribes, bison are more than just a source of food and materials. For them, the animals symbolize strength, resilience, and spirituality. Through traditional ceremonies, stories, and art, Native Americans have honored the bison's integral role in their way of life, ensuring that the powerful connection between people and these extraordinary animals endures.

Read more: Bison Facts, Types of Bison.

15. Black Bear

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (15)

Fun Fact:Did you know black bears have a unique adaptation that allows them to climb trees easily? Their non-retractable claws and strong forelimbs enable them to scale trees quickly, making them the best climber among the bear species.

The black bear, a master of adaptation, effortlessly roams various habitats, from dense forests to swamps and mountainous regions of North and Central America. Aside from the color, we can easily distinguish a black bear from a brown bear by looking at its brown snout and humpless back.

As skilled navigators, they travel vast distances in search of food, sometimes covering over a hundred miles in a single year! This ability is crucial in their quest for nourishment, especially when food sources become scarce in one area.

IUCN classifies the most common bear species in America as least concerned. Despite that, we should look for threats like habitat loss, hunting, and vehicle collisions. And continue participating in conservation efforts, including habitat protection, continuous public education, and many more.

16. Blackbird

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Fun Fact:Did you know blackbird nests consist of twigs, grass, straw, and mud? They are shaped like a cup and lined with mud and fine grass, which they build low to the ground to protect their young from predators.

Blackbirds, belonging to the Turdus merula species, are known for their striking appearance. Males boast glossy black plumage, bright yellow eyes, and a yellow-orange beak, while females wear shades of brown with mottled breasts. These charming birds enchant both birdwatchers and casual observers with their melodic, flute-like songs.

The blackbird's habitat ranges from woodlands, gardens, and parks to hedgerows. They commonly inhabit urban and rural areas of Europe, Asia, and North Africa. The birds have also populated Australia and New Zealand.

While blackbirds are not currently under significant threat, they still have predators such as birds of prey, cats, and larger mammals. Additionally, the loss of hedgerows and woodlands due to human activity can negatively impact their population.

17. Blobfish

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Fun Fact:Did you know the blobfish was voted the "World's Ugliest Animal" in 2013? This is because they don't have much bone or muscle, allowing the pressure of the deep sea to provide them with body structural support. As a result, the blobfish decompresses when brought to the surface, giving them their iconic gelatinous look.

With a face only a mother could love, the blobfish resembles a grumpy man dwelling in the deep waters of Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania.

Adapted to life in the extreme depths of the ocean, where pressure is up to 120 times greater than at the surface, the blobfish sports a gelatinous, slightly pinkish body. Its lack of a swim bladder makes it less dense than water, allowing it to float effortlessly above the seafloor without wasting energy on swimming.

Though the blobfish may have earned the title of the "world's ugliest fish," it plays a significant role in the deep-sea ecosystem. While not under any significant threat, deep-sea trawling by fisheries can inadvertently impact their populations as bycatch.

Despite their unusual looks, blobfish have garnered public attention and become unlikely ambassadors for the conservation of life in the mysterious depths of our oceans.

Read more: Blobfish Facts. You are halfway through the list! Keep going for more animals that start with B, or click on our article aboutmore ugly animals or some of the ugliest fish.

18. Blue Jay

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (18)

Fun Fact:Did you know blue jays are known for stealing and hiding food? This behavior, known as caching, helps them survive in harsh winter conditions. They can even remember the location of thousands of caches, making them one of the few bird species that can plan for the future!

Sporting a vivid mix of blue, white, and black feathers, the blue jay is an eye-catching presence in the natural landscapes of North America.

However, this bird doesn't just pique our interest with its appearance; it also boasts a range of distinctive calls. For instance, blue jays can mimic the sounds of other birds, and they even imitate the call of a hawk to scare away predators or competitors.

The nesting season unveils another side of the blue jay as they fiercely defend their nests and offspring from perceived threats. These fearless birds chase off larger avian species such as crows, hawks, and even owls.

19. Blue Marlin

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Fun Fact:Did you know the blue marlin's bill functions as a hunting tool and a thermoregulator? Using its bill to slice through the water, the blue marlin can cool down its body temperature, allowing it to swim in warmer waters for extended periods.

The blue marlin catches our attention with its shimmering iridescent blue and silver hues. Additionally, their long-pointed bill, an iconic feature, allows them to slash and stun their prey before consuming them.

Another impressive attribute is their speed. Blue marlins reach an average speed of 50 miles per hour, ranking among the world's fastest fish. Their speed, build, and bill make them a formidable hunter in the open ocean.

The blue marlin prefers the warm waters of tropical and subtropical regions to feast on a diverse range of fish and squid. As apex predators, they maintain balance within their ecosystem.

Due to human activities such as overfishing and habitat destruction, the IUCN categorizes them as vulnerable species. So, let's be part of the solution by pushing authorities to implement sustainable fishing practices.

For additional reading, you can check our article about theenvironmental impact of fishing.

20. Blue Whale

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (20)

Fun Fact:Did you know a blue whale's heart is as big as a golf cart? It weighs about 1% of its body weight but is still bigger than the largest land animals. To illustrate, it will take 14 African Elephant hearts to weigh one blue whale heart.

What animal that starts with the letter B holds the gargantuan title? The blue whale, the undisputed champion of size in the animal kingdom, measures up to 100 feet in length and can weigh up to 300,000 tons. But despite their colossal size, blue whales maintain a diet consisting primarily of tiny, shrimp-like krill.

Have you ever wondered how solitary creatures communicate across the ocean? They produce haunting songs that echo through the depths, traveling for miles underwater. These melodic calls can attract potential mates or signal rich feeding grounds' locations.

Unfortunately, our relationship with the largest animals turned sour in the 20th century when excessive whaling led to a devastating decline in their population.

But we should be grateful to the International Whaling Commission for banning commercial whaling. Due to many conservation efforts, the endangered blue whale population has been slowly recovering.

Do you want to read words that express the grandeur and grace of these creatures? Head to our handpickedwhale quotesnext. Or check out ourwhale factsto increase your knowledge about them.

21. Bluefin Tuna

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (21)

Fun Fact:Did you know a single Bluefin Tuna can sell for over $3 million at auction? In 2019, a 612-pound Bluefin Tuna was sold for a record-breaking $3.1 million in Tokyo, Japan, making it the most expensive fish ever sold!

Bluefin Tuna, with their streamlined bodies and specialized muscle fibers, can reach astonishing speeds of up to 43 miles per hour. As a result, these agile and speedy fish become formidable hunters in the open ocean.

Another adaptation allows these fish to survive in a wide range of water temperatures. Unlike most fish, which are cold-blooded, Bluefin Tuna can maintain a stable body temperature higher than the surrounding water. This adaptation, called regional endothermy, occurs through a sophisticated heat exchange system within their circulatory system.

Even though IUCN categorizes the bluefin tuna only as Near Threatened, population, and average size will eventually decrease if we don’t act now.

But there’s hope — in 2017, countries like Mexico, Japan, Korea, and the U.S. agreed to set catching limits for the bluefin tuna population to bounce back 20% by 2034. For further reading, here is thefull article from NPR.

Related read: More types of tuna.

22. Boa Constrictor

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (22)

Fun Fact:Did you know boa constrictors are ovoviviparous? They give birth to live young, but the eggs develop inside the mother's body.

Lurking within the lush foliage of Central and South American rainforests, the boa constrictor masterfully navigates its way through the undergrowth. Even if they are legless, they exhibit excellent climbing and swimming skills.

Then, as night envelops the jungle, these solitary serpents come alive, employing their sharp senses to hunt. But instead of using venom, these reptiles constrict with their muscular coils. As a result, even a large prey can't escape their deathly grips.

By preying on mammals, birds, and reptiles, boa constrictors serve as essential predators in their ecosystems, preventing overpopulation and maintaining balance.

Yet, even though IUCN declared them as animals of least concern, their numbers are decreasing due to habitat loss and human persecution.

23. Boar

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Fun Fact:Did you know boar tusks are made up of ivory? Their tusks are their upper canine teeth and consist of ivory like elephants'. However, 7-inch boar tusks are much smaller than elephant ones, making them less valuable.

Wild boars have coarse, bristly coats and fierce tusks and live in dense forests, grasslands, and wetlands. And even if they are bulk, they are swift, with speeds up to 30 miles per hour.

In addition, thanks to their strong snouts, wild boars skillfully root around the soil, digging up tubers, roots, and insects for sustenance. Furthermore, their dietary flexibility helps them thrive in varied ecosystems.

Despite that, theUnited States Department of Agriculturestated that damages and control costs due to feral swine could exceed $1.5 million. All because their feeding habitats destroy crops and demolish habitats. Instead of hating on them, let's support solutions that can balance preserving their populations while preventing destruction.

24. Bobcat

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Fun Fact:Did you know bobcats’ rear feet land in the same footprints as their front feet? Their unique gait, called direct register, helps them stay hidden from their prey.

Bobcats, sporting striking eyes and tufted ears, stealthily navigate the North American wild elegantly. As medium-sized wild cats, these lone creatures traverse a variety of terrains.

Their reddish-brown fur, embellished with black spots, provides effective camouflage. As a result, they can hunt rabbits, rodents, birds, and deer. They even showcase their agility by snatching fish from the water, climbing trees, or swimming in pursuit of a meal.

As vital food web members, bobcats contribute to maintaining a balanced ecosystem by keeping the population of smaller mammals in check.

Currently, IUCN categorizes the bobcat as an animal of least concern. However, even if their population is stable, let’s continue deterring threats such as habitat loss and hunting to conserve their numbers.

25. Bongo

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Fun Fact:Did you know that bongos are so agile that they can jump up to 6 feet high? That's higher than the average human!

Donning reddish-brown coats with eye-catching white stripes, bongos masterfully camouflage themselves in the dense African forests they inhabit.

These antelope species also boast large, spiral-shaped horns. Males proudly display horns that reach 40 inches long, while females sport slightly smaller ones, growing up to 20 inches long.

Unlike most antelopes, bongos prefer to remain hidden in the shadows, gracefully and effortlessly navigating through the undergrowth. Sadly, the bongo's striking beauty doesn't shield them from danger.

Even if they are only near-threatened, these antelopes still face significant challenges, such as habitat destruction and hunting. However, hope prevails as dedicated conservationists work together to implement programs like the Bongo Surveillance Project.

26. Bonito

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Fun Fact:Did you know Bonito fish can swim up to 40 miles per hour? That's faster than the average speed limit on most highways!

With their stunning silver-blue hue and dark blue stripes adorning their backs and sides, bonito fish are swift swimmers called Skipjack Tuna or Striped Tuna. They flourish in tropical and subtropical waters, feeding on smaller fish and squid.

Bonito fish are a vital link in marine ecosystems, playing a dual role as predators and prey. Maintaining a delicate balance in the food chain they help sustain ocean biodiversity.

Unfortunately, overfishing has led to dwindling populations in some regions. That is why conservationists actively promote sustainable fishing practices to protect their numbers.

27. Bonobo

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Fun Fact:Do you know bonobos have 98.7% of the same DNA as we do? Aside from chimpanzees, researchers found that bonobos are closely related to us after completing genome sequencing.

Bonobos, often called pygmy or dwarf chimpanzees, are native to the Democratic Republic of Congo in Central Africa. They primarily inhabit dense rainforests and swampy areas.

Unlike chimpanzees, bonobos follow a matriarchal society. Female bonobos hold significant influence within their communities, typically consisting of 30-80 individuals. These social groups are known for their peaceful and cooperative behavior, with conflicts often resolved through grooming and sexual activity instead of aggression.

Bonobos can live around 40 years in captivity and probably shorter in the wild. However, even with their long lifespans, IUCN listed these primates as endangered. This is because they face threats like habitat loss due to deforestation, hunting for bushmeat, and the illegal pet trade.

There are already conservation efforts underway to combat threats. Aside from reforestation, there are also community-based initiatives and anti-poaching measures. We hope the bonobo population can recover and thrive in their natural habitat through these actions.

28. Booby

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Fun Fact:Did you know the blue-footed booby's bright blue feet are not just for show? The color of their feet is an indicator of their health and reproductive success.

Do you know this unusual animal that starts with B? The booby, a seabird native to tropical and subtropical regions, intrigues bird enthusiasts and casual observers alike with their impressive diving skills and comical, clumsy movements on land.

Booby colonies gather on rocky islands or elevated cliffs, creating an enthralling sight during the breeding season. Males perform elaborate courtship displays, showing off their brightly colored feet as they spread their wings and dance to attract mates.

In the air and water, boobies evolve into masterful hunters despite their clumsiness during takeoffs and landings. Their streamlined bodies and long, pointed wings allow them to spot schools of fish from high altitudes before diving headfirst into the water at up to 60 miles per hour.

As we continue to support a sustainable lifestyle, we can indirectly preserve the numbers of these colorful seabirds.

29. Bowerbird

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Fun Fact:Did you know some male bowerbirds steal decorations from other male bowers to enhance their own? Talk about a bird with a keen eye for design1.

Nestled among the lush foliage of Australia, New Guinea, and parts of Indonesia, bowerbirds showcase creativity and flair. Male bowerbirds construct elaborate, eye-catching structures, known as bowers, to seduce their mates.

These architectural marvels range from basic twig arrangements to intricate, multi-chambered works of art adorned with vibrant decorations. From flowers and shells to discarded bottle caps and plastic beads, these avian designers incorporate brightly colored objects into their compositions.

Although their works of art captured the imaginations of bird enthusiasts around the globe, bowerbirds continue to face threats. It includes habitat loss, fragmentation, and illegal wildlife trade. By understanding these challenges and sparing no effort, we can help protect these creatures and their habitats for generations.

30. Box Jellyfish

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (30)

Fun Fact:Did you know a new species of box jellyfish has 24 eyes? Chinese researchers recently discovered this new type of box jellyfish in Hong Kong. However, even though they have multiple eyes, only eight can see images, while the others only detect light.

Stealthy and dangerous, the box jellyfish, or sea wasp, lurks in the depths of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. It is nearly invisible, with a bell-shaped body and tentacles that extend up to 10 feet.

But this is an animal starting with B you don't want to mess with. The transparent creature is one of the most venomous marine animals. A box jellyfish sting can inflict excruciating pain and kill a human in less than five minutes. So remember what this animal that starts with B looks like while swimming!

Despite their fearsome reputation, these jellies are quite sensitive regarding their environment. Its delicate nature makes it susceptible to climate change and pollution, reacting strongly to water temperature and salinity variations.

As both predator and prey, they bring balance to the marine ecosystem.

To explore more sea jellies, read our article about21 Different Types of Jellyfish.

31. Brown Bear

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (31)

Fun Fact:Did you know brown bears' noses are seven times better than bloodhounds? Relying on their extraordinary noses, these bears can detect food from miles away and avoid confrontations with other bears.

Brown bears, also known as Grizzly Bears, occupy many environments, from forests to Eurasia and North American deserts. They are the world's most widely distributed bear species, distinguished by the rump on their back.

Averaging up to 1,500 pounds, brown bears can surprisingly sprint up to 40 miles per hour, making them the fastest among the eight bear species.

Even though IUCN only listed them as animals of least concern, some subpopulations of brown bears are threatened by habitat loss, illegal poaching, and conflict with humans. From implementing strict regulations to habitat restoration, conservation efforts vary for each country.

32. Budgerigar

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (32)

Fun Fact:Did you know budgerigars have a muscle in their throat that allows them to produce various sounds? This muscle, called the syrinx, enables them to chirp, whistle, and even mimic human speech.

Budgerigars are also known as parakeets, which display a delightful mix of vibrant green, yellow, blue, or white hues. They enliven grasslands, forests, and farmlands of warm regions worldwide.

Their lively flocks reveal a fascinating social structure, with males attracting onlookers as they fluff their feathers, bob their heads, and perform acrobatic maneuvers to attract females.

As part of the parrot family, budgerigars showcase their ability to mimic human speech. They can learn to perform tricks and even recite words.

Speaking of their voice, researchers found that parakeets have unique voice prints that they use to identify themselves individually2.

33. Bullfrog

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (33)

Fun Fact:Did you know bullfrogs get their name from the sound that males make during the breeding season? The mating call, which sounds like a bull bellowing, is a low, guttural sound that we can hear up to a quarter mile away.

Bullfrogs, native to eastern North America, are the largest frog species on the continent, with lengths up to 8 inches and weight of as much as 1.1 pounds. In addition, their powerful webbed hind legs aid them in swimming and allow them to jump up to 6 feet in a single leap.

As carnivorous animals, bullfrogs consume insects, smaller frogs, fish, small mammals, and even birds. Unfortunately, their voracious appetites led to their status as invasive species in some regions.

Bullfrog populations have recently declined due to habitat loss, pollution, and disease. Yet, despite these challenges, IUCN still classifies their conservation status as least concern.

Even though they are invasive species in some areas, it is crucial to monitor their populations while addressing the threats they face and cause through balanced conservation efforts.

34. Bumblebee

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (34)

Fun Fact:Did you know bumblebees can remember the shape of objects even after they can't see them anymore? Researchers trained the bumblebees to associate shapes with a food reward or punishment. Once the bumblebees learned this association, they could correctly identify the correct shape, even if they had never seen or touched it.

Bumblebees may be small, but their impact on our ecosystems is immense. Sporting fuzzy, round bodies with eye-catching black and yellow or black and orange stripes, these buzzing insects are hard to overlook.

Although they seem energetic, bumblebees only reach a top flight speed of about 9 miles per hour. However, this relaxed pace doesn't stop them from pollinating flowers across vast distances, even ascending to 3,000 meters and venturing into the Arctic Circle.

Living in colonies led by a single queen, bumblebees are social insects. Furthermore, worker bees cater to the queen's needs, while male bees safeguard and mate with the queen. As seasons change, bumblebee colonies disperse, with new queens hibernating until warmer weather arrives to create new territories.

The resilience and adaptability of bumblebees are genuinely astounding. Still, they face considerable challenges from habitat loss, climate change, and pesticide exposure. To ensure the survival of these vital pollinators, we should continuously recognize and address these threats.

For more buzzing information, visit our lists ofbumblebee facts and bee facts.

35. Butterfly

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (35)

Fun Fact:Did you know some butterflies can see ultraviolet light? Thanks to their photoreceptors, they can locate nectar more efficiently by detecting patterns on flowers that are invisible to the human eye.

Our last animal that starts with B is nature's mesmerizing artists. Since we learned of them, we have been in awe of the butterflies' metamorphosis from egg to caterpillar, then chrysalis, and ultimately emerging as adult butterflies.

And like bees, butterflies play a significant role in our ecosystems as essential pollinators. They inadvertently transfer pollen between plants as they flutter from one flower to the next, sipping nectar with their straw-like proboscis. This process proves vital for reproducing many flowering plants, ultimately supporting biodiversity, agriculture, and our food sources.

Moreover, butterflies offer valuable insights for scientists studying the effects of climate change and habitat loss, as shifts in their populations can act as crucial indicators of broader environmental changes.

If you want to explore more about these transforming insects, check our list ofbutterfly facts and butterfly quotes.

36. Bengal Tiger

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (36)

Fun Fact: Bengal tigers love a good swim, unlike most cats!

Bengal tigers, boasting striking orange-yellow coats with unique black stripes, are show-stoppers! They're the cat family's largest, with males reaching up to 10 feet and 600 pounds. They are also the most numerous species of tiger.

These solitary animals use elaborate vocal and scent marking 'languages'. Equipped with razor-sharp senses and incredible strength, they reign supreme in the animal kingdom.

Read more: Tiger Facts, Types of Tiger.

37. Butterfly Fish

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (37)

Fun Fact: Did you know Butterfly fish can live up to 10 years in the wild?

Adorned with vivid colors and intricate patterns, butterfly fish truly are the art pieces of the ocean. Every inch of their body, from their unique disk-like shape to the many layers of colorful scales, serves as a camouflage against predators in their tropical homes.

But what really makes them stand out in the crowd is their unexpected loyalty. Unlike most fish, butterfly fish choose a mate for life, hunting for food and defending their territory side by side. Whether it's within the winding coral reef or inside a domestic aquarium, they remain an enduring duo.

Read more: Fish Facts, Types of Fish.

38. Bed Bugs

Fun Fact: Bed bugs have thrived for thousands of years, surviving anywhere close to their food source. Which is, yes, our blood!

Bed bugs are the ultimate survivors, tolerating extreme temperatures and going without meals for months. It's an ingenious, albeit irksome, adaptation for survival.

Surprisingly, these blood-thirsty critters aren't disease carriers. Their bites may cause rashes or anxiety, but some folks aren't bothered at all! And with numbing saliva, they eat without even waking you. Annoying? Yes. Interesting? Absolutely!


Indeed, the diversity and dynamism of animals beginning with 'B' is truly astounding. From the grandeur of the Blue Whale to the hard-working Beaver, from the exotic Bengal Tiger to the underappreciated Bumblebee, we witness an astonishing breadth of life throughout the entire animal kingdom. This variety underscores the thriving spectrum of Earth's biodiversity and the necessary importance of environmental preservation.

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38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (38)


Borgia, G., & Gore, M. A. (1986). Feather stealing in the satin bowerbird (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus): male competition and the quality of display. Animal Behaviour, 34(3), 727–738.


Smeele, S. Q., Senar, J. C., Aplin, L. M., & McElreath, M. B. (2023). Evidence for vocal signatures and voice-prints in a wild parrot. bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory).

38 Animals That Start With B With Pictures And Facts (2024)


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