Axolotl Food: What Does Axolotl Eat? - Vet Advises (2024)

Axolotls are carnivores, meaning they eat mostly meat. They eat a variety of fresh prey, including insects, fish, and other small animals.

Axolotls have a specially adapted digestive system that allows them to digest their prey quickly. They have a short gut, so their food moves through the digestive tract fairly quickly.

In addition, axolotls’ stomachs have a huge amount of mucus—much more than other types of salamanders do. The mucus helps food move through the gut rapidly and traps things that would otherwise take a long time to digest, such as bones from fish or hard insect carapaces.

Axolotls’ sharp teeth and wide mouths help them eat most of the things that they would typically eat in the wild. If they don’t have any food available, they will usually fast for a few days until prey is more easily accessible again.

However, axolotls are not strictly carnivorous—they can also eat small amounts of vegetation if necessary. For example, they may eat some algae that grows on rocks in their habitat or the small amount of vegetation that grows in the water.

List of foods an axolotl eats:

Live Food List

Axolotl’s diet is quite varied. Worms, tadpoles, freshwater shrimp, and little insects are among the live foods that Axolotls enjoy. Because they are carnivorous, Axolotls can eat raw beef flesh – as long as all the fat has been removed. Your pet might also eat lamb heart or cat.


Axolotls adore live worms. Live worms are something else fascinating: the activity of live worms is highly exciting for Axolotls, causing them to snap. If you have newborn axolotls, they will only respond to moving worms. Earthworms from fresh soil are great treats for axolotls – just make sure they’re organic, not chemical-intensive. You may easily raise the worms in a limited region if you have the time. Worms are high in nutrients, making them attractive to axolotls. Some of the most popular live worms given to axolotls are Nightcrawlers.

Ghost Shrimps

Ghost shrimps are usually great treats. Axolotls relish them clean and raw, but they can also be prepared in a fishy broth if necessary to mask the scent of the flesh for some strange reason – perhaps there is a psychological obstacle that prevents your axolotl from eating its dinner!


Daphnia is a family of small aquatic crustaceans. Daphnia is consumed by many types of fish and some amphibians like Axolotls.

Midge Maggots

Midges (Chironomidae) make up the largest number of non-biting midges, but there can be other species too. They hatch in water and many aquatic creatures, including fish and amphibians, feed on them.


Axolotls have a voracious appetite for tadpoles. Most of the diet of an axolotl larva comprises tadpoles. Tadpoles are opportunistic feeders and cannibalistic, and axolotls love to take advantage of this.

Frozen Food List

Many axolotls enjoy frozen foods. Different fish are popular choices for this type of food, including bloodworms smelt, goldfish, and minnows.


Bloodworms are found in salt water. Bloodworm larvae are obtained from midge flies. Bloodworm nymphs are similar in size to the black worm. You may purchase Axolotl bloodworms as frozen cubes at your local pet store.

Bloodworms are a wonderful supplement for adult axolotls, eating more substantial diets. Bloodworms are not as nutritious as the worms we’ve previously covered in this article, however, they’re okay to serve as special treats while feeding your adult axolotl additional staple foods. Bloodworms may be fed to juvenile axolotls, but they are not as nutritious as other live foods and should only be used occasionally.

When feeding your Axolotl bloodworms, make sure they don’t get caught on the gills. Such a terrible occurrence may cause your Axolotl to suffocate, even if it is just a little. We suggest feeding your axolotl bloodworms in recognition of their delicate nature. Before serving them to your Axolotl, put the water in which you’ve thawed the bloodworm in a saucepan and set it over low heat until everything is thoroughly warmed.

After thawing it, place the bloodworm in your Axolotl’s aquarium using tongs or a simple pair of tweezers. One more thing to remember is to drop the food in front of your Axolotl so that it can see and reach it.

Brine Shrimp

Brine shrimp is a common name for Artemia salina, a species of brine shrimp. These tiny crustaceans are a popular food for fish and amphibians.


Minnows are small freshwater fish. They can be purchased at most pet stores that sell aquarium supplies. Goldfish are also a type of minnow.


Smelt is a small, delicate fish that can usually be found in the cooler waters of lakes and streams. Many people enjoy eating them as well. They make an excellent choice for a frozen food for your axolotl because they’re high in protein and low in fat. You can purchase smelt at most pet stores that sell aquarium supplies or you can catch them yourself if you’re so inclined.

When feeding your axolotl smelt, we suggest breaking them into small pieces using a sharp knife. This will make them easier for your axolotl to eat and also reduce the chance that your axolotl will choke on them. The smelt can be thawed first or fed to your axolotl while they’re still frozen. Just make sure they’re completely thawed before you put them in your aquarium.


Goldfish are a type of minnow and make an excellent choice for a frozen food for your axolotl. As with other minnows, goldfish can be purchased at most pet stores that sell aquarium supplies. You can also catch them yourself if you’re so inclined.

Once your axolotl has thawed the goldfish, it will see the food and reach it with no problems. This differs from feeding bloodworms because bloodworms can get caught in an axolotl’s gills, which is dangerous for them. When serving goldfish to your axolotl, place them in the tank using tongs or tweezers so they don’t get eaten by other fish.

Goldfish are low in fat and high in protein. Therefore, they make an excellent choice for a frozen food for your axolotl.

Pellets Food

Pellets are a great food option to place in your axolotl’s aquarium. They’re probably the least messy and most foolproof type of food you can feed it. Just drop in some pellets when feeding time comes around, and your axolotl should be ready!

Food You Should Not Feed Your Pet Axolotl

These foods are not very nutritious or can be dangerous for your axolotl.

Animals Having Crusty exoskeletons

Be wary of what you feed your axolotl. It’s probably a good idea to avoid feeding it crabs and shrimp as they can be difficult for your axolotl to eat and may get wedged in its gills.

Crustaceans such as crabs or shrimp are not nutritious enough for an adult axolotl and can actually be dangerous. Crustaceans have a hard exoskeleton that can obstruct an axolotl’s gills, leading to suffocation.

Feeder Fish

Feeder fish are fish that are commonly used to feed other larger fish. They can be purchased at most pet stores that sell aquarium supplies.

While it is tempting to feed your axolotl feeder fish, we do not recommend it. Feeder fish are often treated with chemicals to keep them healthy and free of parasites. These chemicals can be harmful to your axolotl.

Additionally, feeder fish can carry bacteria and parasites such as tapeworms, flukes and monogenetic trematodes that can be passed on to your axolotl. Feeder fish also lack the nutrition your axolotl needs.

Raw Meat

Axolotls should never eat raw meat. It can contain harmful bacteria that may make your axolotl sick. Raw meat is also very fatty which causes obesity in your axolotl.

Raw meat can contain harmful bacteria that may make your axolotl sick. Raw meat is also very fatty which causes obesity in your axolotl.

Greens and Fruit

Fruits and veggies do not have a significant nutritional value for an adult axolotl, so it is not recommended to feed them to your axolotl.

Why won’t my axolotl eat?

There could be several reasons your axolotl isn’t eating. One of the most common reasons is that the water quality is poor. If the water is too dirty or has too many chemicals in it, your axolotl may not feel like eating. Test the water regularly and clean it if necessary.

Another reason is that your axolotl is sick. If it’s been hiding at the bottom of the tank or has developed a swollen stomach, it may be ill and not feel well. Here, you’ll need to take it to a vet for treatment.

Finally, if your axolotl is a juvenile, it may just be going through a phase. Juveniles typically go through a “juvenile strike” for a few weeks or months, during which they refuse to eat anything. Once their bodies are completely formed, they will begin eating again. If you think this might be the case, wait patiently and make sure your axolotl has access to food at all times in case it eats later.

How to know when axolotl needs to eat?

Axolotls should be fed every two to three days. If they are not eating, they may be sick and need to see a veterinarian.

Signs that an axolotl is not feeling well include a loss of appetite, staying at the bottom of the tank, and lying on its side. If the axolotl is moving normally and appears to be healthy but has stopped eating, something in its habitat may bother it or there may not be enough food.

How to get an axolotl to eat?

Axolotls are carnivorous and will mainly eat live food. However, they will also take dead food if it is offered in the right way. The best way to start off is by feeding them brine shrimp (known as Artemia). These can easily be bought from most pet shops or online.

Once your axolotl has got used to eating brine shrimp, you can introduce other live foods. These can include bloodworms, white worms and tubifex worms. Again, these can be bought from most pet shops or online.

It is important to remember that axolotls should not be fed these live foods every day. They should only be given a small amount, two or three times a week.

As well as live food, you can also give your axolotl some dead food. This can include chopped up earthworms, prawns and fish.

How many minnows should a 6 inch axolotl eat?

Axolotls are carnivorous animals that eat small fish, such as minnows. It is recommended that a 6 inch axolotl eat 1-2 minnows per day. However, we do not recommend feeding live minnows, as this may contain harmful parasites and bacteria. Instead, you can purchase brine shrimp from your local pet store.

How does Mexican axolotl eat?

Axolotls are obligate carnivores, meaning that they require animal protein to survive. They typically eat small fish, but will also consume aquatic invertebrates, such as water fleas and other zooplankton.

Like others, Mexican axolotls have a very unusual way of eating. They open their mouths wide and suck in food particles, along with a large volume of water. This “sucking” action is so powerful that it can even suck small fish out of the hands of scientists who are holding them.

Despite the axolotl’s adaptations for efficient ram feeding, it is a relatively inefficient herbivore. They also possess other peculiarities that make them unique among vertebrates.

When can axolotl eat bloodworms?

Like most other animals, axolotls have different dietary needs at different stages in their life. Juvenile axolotls (those less than a year old) primarily eat small crustaceans like daphnia and cyclops. Once they reach adulthood, they can start eating bloodworms as well.

Bloodworms are a substantial source of protein for axolotls and can help them grow bigger and stronger. However, it’s important to only give them a small amount at first, as they can be quite fatty. Too much fat can lead to health problems for axolotls, so be sure to monitor their diet closely and adjust accordingly.

How to get axolotl to eat dead food or pellets?

Axolotls will eat dead food if they are hungry enough. This can include small pieces of meat, earthworms, or other live prey. It is also possible to feed them dead fish, but you should remove the scales and guts first. You can also try feeding your axolotl frozen food or food pellets. If your axolotl is getting used to the dead food, try feeding it more often.

If you are having trouble with your axolotl not eating dead food or pellets, make sure that the water temperature is at least 62 degrees Fahrenheit. If it is colder than this, your axolotl will need a warmer environment to get it to eat the dead food.

If you are feeding your axolotl live food, make sure that it is not too big for the axolotl, otherwise it could choke or cause internal damage. You should also feed your axolotl live food that is moving slowly because if they are moving too fast, then your axolotl may not want to eat them.

Axolotls have a wonderful sense of smell and they will usually only eat food that smells good to them. If your axolotl is not eating the dead food, try adding some fish oil or garlic to the water to make the food smell better. You can also try adding salt, but this should only be done sparingly.

How much does an axolotl eat?

One of the big questions people have about axolotls is how much they need to eat.

Axolotls typically eat two to three times a week. They eat their food by picking it up with their mouth and dragging it back into their throat using the tongue.

An axolotl can eat anything that is small enough to fit into its mouth. If an axolotl has trouble swallowing something, such as a large piece of krill or a chunk of raw meat, it may need to be cut into smaller pieces.

As far as the type of food an axolotl eats, it mostly depends on what you feed them. If their diet isn’t well balanced or comprises all meat, they could become sick and die. However, if you feed your axolotl a balanced diet comprising both live and frozen food, they should be just fine.

How many brine shrimp do axolotl eat?

Axolotls generally eat as many as they want in a few minutes. You need to feed them more if they don’t eat all at once. Treats like small pieces of meat, small fish or even turtle food can be used with brine shrimp.

Brine shrimp is a good, high-protein food for axolotls because they are rich in essential fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. They also have a neutral pH, which is important for the axolotl’s delicate digestive system. Brine shrimp can be purchased at most pet stores or online. Make sure that there is no salt added to the food you purchase.

Brine shrimp can be easily thawed by using a coffee mug and hot water from your faucet or by microwaving them in their container for 30 seconds on high.

Brine shrimp can be difficult to get out of their container, especially when they are frozen. You may wish to use tweezers or tongs.

At what age can an axolotl eat Nightcrawlers?

Axolotls can eat Nightcrawlers when they become adults. It is important to make sure that the axolotl is properly sized before you feed it Nightcrawlers, as too large of a prey item can be dangerous. Always consult your veterinarian if you are unsure about what to feed your axolotl.

Nightcrawlers are an excellent source of nutrition for axolotls, as they are high in protein and other essential nutrients. Make sure to only feed your axolotl Nightcrawlers that have been frozen first, as live Nightcrawlers may contain parasites that could harm your pet.

How do you train an axolotl to eat off plate?

One of the most common questions people ask is how to train an axolotl to eat off plate or other non-aquatic surface.

The key to training an axolotl to eat from a plate is patience and consistency. You will need to place the food item on the plate and then gently move the plate close to the axolotl’s mouth. If the axolotl does not take the food, do not force it. Simply move the food back to where it was before and try again later.

It may take some time, but eventually the axolotl will learn to take the food from the plate. Once it has mastered this skill, you will feed it without having to position the food directly. This can be a great help when you are trying to care for an axolotl that is injured or missing limbs.

Once the axolotl has learned to eat off of a plate, you can remove the plate entirely if you like. The axolotl will continue to learn how to eat food items even if they are placed on the water’s surface rather than directly on the ground.

What happens if my axolotl eats dirt?

If your axolotl is fine after eating the dirt and gravel, do not worry about it. Just be sure to observe them with any signs of distress or illness and remove the gravel and clean up whatever dirt they may have gotten into right away.

If you think your axolotl may have some problems after eating dirt or gravel, take the following steps:

Check your tank for sharp objects like gravel and rocks. Remove it if there is any and clean up any dirt. If your axolotl shows signs of distress; such as; labored breathing, a swelling stomach, a lack of ability to swim properly and move around, or is reacting strangely. You need to take further steps.

Try feeding the axolotl some earthworms as it will provide protein that may lack from eating dirt. You can also try using a calcium supplement with D3 on their food as this will help your axolotl recover. If the animal shows signs of distress or shows no sign of recovering, you will need to take it to a vet for fluids because the dirt has probably caused dehydration. The vet may also want to do x-rays on your axolotl to see if any dirt made its way into its stomach, which could block its digestive system.

Can an Axolotl Choke on Food?

Food is an important part of any animal’s life. For humans, it gives us the energy to get through our day and all the nutrients that our body needs to function properly. While food may be vital to humans, what about animals? Can axolotls choke on their food?

Because of their carnivorous nature, axolotls have a specially adapted digestive system that helps them to break down and digest meat. This means that they don’t have as many problems consuming food as some other animals might. However, just like any animal, axolotls can still choke on their food if it is too big for them to swallow. In fact, axolotls have choked on food occasionally.

Like humans, axolotls also have a gag reflex. This means that if something gets stuck in their throat or mouth, they can often cough it up and spit it out.

So yes, axolotls can choke on food because of its size or because the food gets lodged in their throat. Because axolotls are not small animals, they have to be careful about what they eat and how big the pieces of food that they put into their mouth are. If you’re looking to feed your axolotl, it’s a good idea to choose small foods that are much easier for them to eat and digest.

Why Do Axolotls Eat Each Other?

If you have had an axolotl for a while, you may have noticed that your pet is a bit of a cannibal. So why do axolotls eat each other?

Axolotls are cannibalistic by nature. They eat smaller fish, but they have eaten each other occasionally. There are a few reasons axolotls may cannibalize their own kind.

One reason is that axolotls may be hungry and see their fellow axolotls as a food source. This is the most common reason for cannibalism in axolotls. Axolotls may also be aggressive and see other axolotls as a threat to their territory or social status, causing them to attack each other. Sometimes, an axolotl eating another is accidental when they mistake their own kind of food.

An axolotls may also be stressed, which can make them more likely to become cannibalistic. An axolotl may turn on their own kind for no particular reason at all other than that they are stressed out. Stressful events like an increase in water temperature or a recent addition to their habitat can cause axolotls to become cannibalistic.

While cannibalism is normal for axolotls, it’s not something you have to worry about as a pet owner. Axolotls usually won’t bother their fellow axolotls if they’re well-fed and living in a comfortable environment. However, if you see your axolotl acting aggressively towards their fellow axolotls or see an axolotl with a bite mark, get in contact with your local pet store for advice.

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Axolotl Food: What Does Axolotl Eat? - Vet Advises (2024)


Axolotl Food: What Does Axolotl Eat? - Vet Advises? ›

In captivity, you can offer them brine shrimp, tubifex worms, copepods, water fleas, freshwater fish or turtle pellets, earthworms, mealworms, crickets, small pieces of chicken or beef, etc. Juvenile individuals should be fed daily, while adults can be fed every 3 days.

What do axolotls eat for food? ›

Axolotls can be fed earthworms, insects, small crustaceans, narrow strips of raw lean beef, fish or chicken. These can be fed by hand by wiggling it in the water. Most axolotls will eventually learn to take pelleted food for carnivorous fish, for example salmon pellets. They usually prefer softer type of pellets.

What do axolotls need in captivity? ›

Axolotls require cool, clean water. You'll need a good-sized aquarium which has been properly cycled. For one axolotl, a 15-gallon tank is sufficient, as long as it's more wide than tall. The water should be still, and should stay between 60 and 65°F, with the pH levels between 6.5 and 8.

Are axolotls picky eaters? ›

For treats, you can offer shrimp or even beef. While axolotls are not picky eaters, the amount of food they get and the timing of their meals will vary, both as they grow and according to their tastes. They'll stop eating when full, so you'll need to adjust accordingly.

What happens if an axolotl doesn't eat? ›

A sick axolotl almost always refuses food. Until they are healed up, they probably will only continue to refuse food, and can lose weight, which can be dangerous. Sometimes, inappetance is one of the first clues you will get that the axolotl has a fungal infection. Then you check the gills and see they've got fungus.

Can axolotls eat bread? ›

Not only does bread provide nutrients like carbohydrates and protein to your axolotls, but they can easily consume some as part of their meal! Axolotls are primarily carnivores, preferring protein-rich foods like bloodworms and brine shrimp. They may also eat small crustaceans and tadpoles.

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Axolotls eat fish, mollusks, insects, and other axolotls. Captive axolotls may live as long as 15 years, but wild ones live for only about five or six years. Axolotls originally lived in a series of lakes and wetlands throughout central Mexico.

Do axolotls need a friend? ›

Axolotls tend to be fairly bold and are perfectly content to move about their tank as they're being watched by their humans. Some will come up to the side of their tank when a person is there observing them. However, they aren't particularly social animals and don't require any tank companions.

Are axolotls good pets for 10 year olds? ›

They can be great pets, but they aren't great pets for everyone – and children need to know that they can't handle an axolotl as they're very delicate and they can get injured. They also need a very quiet home with a lot of space – children aren't known to be very quiet”, Dr Beattie correctly says.

Why are axolotls pink in captivity? ›

Wild axolotls are a mottled brown-grey colour, but they can also be albinos. These are missing brown pigments and look pinkish-white. This attractive colouration is desirable in the pet trade and has been selectively bred for.

Can axolotls eat shrimp? ›

Axolotls eat worms, insects, small fish, and just about anything else that can fit inside their mouth and swallow whole, including other salamanders. In the lab, axolotls are fed brine shrimp, California blackworms (Lumbriculus varigatus), and salmon pellets.

Are axolotls the cutest animal? ›

Axolotls, with their frilly gills, wide smiles, and playful demeanor, are undeniably cute. These aquatic salamanders have captured the hearts of people all over the world with their adorable appearance and fascinating biology.

Why is my axolotl so skinny? ›

is she eating? have you tested the water for ammonia? Throw her in the fridge ASAP in a tub of clean dechlorinated waterClean your tank and test you Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate you may have lost your cycle. Axolotls are known for engagement in some strange movements while swimming.

What happens if an axolotl eats its own poop? ›

If they eat their own poop by mistake, they will do a spit take and scatter bits of poop everywhere! Whether your axolotl makes poop rain or not, you will need to do weekly water changes.

What does a sick axolotl look like? ›

Continuously pale gills (more obvious on white and albino axolotls), overgrown gills, and limp gill posture can all be signs of infection. There may be times when your animal's gills are pale, but a few hours later you note that they are nice and pink or red again.

How long can axolotls go without food? ›

Adult axolotls need to eat less often, perhaps one or two servings every other day. In fact, they can do just fine for up to two weeks without eating any food (although this shouldn't be tried at home).

What do axolotls drink? ›

Axolotls, like salamanders and newts, need the minerals that are found in natural water and include sodium chloride, potassium chloride, and others. Bottled water is typically spring water that is treated but then has these natural minerals and salts added in.

How often do I feed axolotls? ›

Once they get a little older, they should be separated and fed twice a day to keep them healthy and growing. Juveniles can go a little longer between feedings, with only once a day being sufficient, though some owners still choose to feed 2x per day until the animal reaches subadult/adult stage.

Do axolotls have teeth? ›

Axolotls have barely visible vestigial teeth, which develop during metamorphosis. The primary method of feeding is by suction, during which their rakers interlock to close the gill slits.

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