Brenda Gantt Cabbage Casserole Recipe (2024)

Brenda Gantt’s cabbage casserole recipe is a mouthwatering dish that stands out among many others in the world of casseroles.

This Southern treasure brings together cooked cabbage and a mix of delicious flavors, offering a perfect side dish or meal on its own.

It’s no surprise that the popularity of this comforting recipe is rising in the United States and Canada.

In this article, you’ll learn what makes this particular cabbage casserole stand out from the rest.

We will explore the simple yet delightful ingredients and provide you with step-by-step instructions for creating this masterpiece in your own kitchen.

With a combination of textures and flavors that truly set it apart, Brenda Gantt’s cabbage casserole is a dish that you’ll be proud to share with your family and friends.

How to Make Brenda Gantt Cabbage Casserole

Ingredients List

Here is a list of the ingredients you’ll need to create this flavorful dish:

  • 1 head of cabbage, chopped
  • 1 sweet onion, chopped
  • 1 can of cream of chicken soup (you can also use cream of mushroom soup)
  • 1 cup of sour cream
  • 1 cup of mayonnaise
  • 2 cups of shredded cheddar cheese (you can experiment with other types of cheese too)
  • Unsalted butter (for greasing the baking dish)
  • Crushed buttery crackers (for the topping)
  • Salt and black pepper, to taste

Step-by-step process

Step 1

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 degrees Celsius) and prepare a 9×13-inch baking dish by greasing it with unsalted butter or spraying it with cooking spray.

In a large pot, boil the chopped cabbage for about 10-15 minutes or until tender.

Drain the cabbage well and set it aside.

Step 2

In a separate bowl, combine the cream of chicken soup and sour cream.

Add in the mayonnaise and mix until smooth.

This will become your soup mixture.

Season the mixture with salt and pepper according to your taste preferences.

Step 3

Place the cooked cabbage and chopped sweet onion into the baking dish, distributing them evenly.

Pour the soup mixture over the cabbage and onion, ensuring that they are fully covered.

Use a spatula to spread the mixture evenly across the dish.

Step 4

Sprinkle 2 cups of shredded cheddar cheese on top of the soup mixture.

This will create a rich and creamy cabbage layer in your casserole.

Feel free to experiment with different types of cheese or even combine multiple varieties for a unique flavor profile.

Step 5

Finally, add a layer of crushed buttery crackers on top of the cheese layer.

This will provide a crispy, golden-brown topping for your casserole.

Bake your cabbage casserole in the preheated oven for about 35-45 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and bubbly and the cracker topping is golden brown.

Allow your Brenda Gantt Cabbage Casserole to cool for 10 minutes before serving.

Enjoy this comforting, satisfying meal with your family and friends.

Side Dishes for Brenda Gantt Cabbage Casserole

Beef Ribs in the Oven

These juicy and tender beef ribs are a great option to serve alongside the Brenda Gantt Cabbage Casserole.

The robust flavor of the beef ribs complements the creamy casserole, making for a hearty meal that will leave you satisfied.

Moreover, baking the ribs in the oven makes them easy to prepare.

Hibachi Steak

Hibachi steak is a mouthwatering dish that can nicely accompany the cabbage casserole.

The tender and flavorful steak enhances the taste of the cabbage, while the zesty hibachi seasoning adds an extra kick.

Together, they make a delicious and diverse combination for your dining table.

Crispy Fried Red Tomatoes

For a slightly lighter side, consider crispy fried red tomatoes.

These tomatoes add brightness and freshness to the rich casserole, creating a perfect balance of flavors.

The crispy coating on the tomatoes adds a satisfying crunch, which contrasts well with the soft texture of the casserole.

In summary, when it comes to deciding what to serve with your Brenda Gantt Cabbage Casserole, there are plenty of mouthwatering options available, such as beef ribs in the oven, hibachi steak, and crispy fried red tomatoes.

These dishes not only complement the casserole but also add variety and excitement to your meal.

Ingredients Substitutes

Here, we will share a substitute that youcanconsider to create this delicious recipe.

Cream of Asparagus

A great substitute for cream of chicken soup in Brenda Gantt’s cabbage casserole recipe could be cream of asparagus soup.

This will still provide a thick and creamy texture while also adding a unique, earthy flavor to the dish.

If you are a fan of asparagus, this substitution will be a perfect choice to enhance your casserole experience.

How to Store Brenda Gantt Cabbage Casserole

Brenda Gantt’s cabbage casserole is a delicious and hearty weeknight dinner that becomes even better after the flavors have melded.

When storing this tender cabbage dish, there are a few key tips to ensure the freshness and quality of the flavors.


To properly store your leftover cabbage casserole, you’ll want to place it in an airtight container or a plastic container with a tight-fitting lid.

This will help maintain the integrity of the casserole and prevent it from drying out or absorbing outside odors.

If you’re using a type of green cabbage that doesn’t produce much moisture, you can also place a piece of paper towel on the bottom of the container to absorb any excess moisture.

With proper storage, your Brenda Gantt cabbage casserole should last for up to 3-4 days in the refrigerator.


When looking for a longer-lasting option, consider using a freezer-safe bag to save your cabbage casserole for future enjoyment.

Transfer the casserole to a freezer-safe bag, removing as much air as possible before sealing.

Be sure to label the bag with the date and contents so you know when to enjoy your leftovers.

Frozen cabbage casserole can last for up to 2-3 months in the freezer.

To reheat, simply transfer the casserole back to an oven-safe dish and bake until heated through.

By following these storage tips, you ensure that your Brenda Gantt Cabbage Casserole remains a delicious and convenient option for leftovers, making it a versatile choice perfect for any weeknight dinner.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Here are the most common mistakes to avoid when preparing Brenda Gantt Cabbage Casserole:

Overcooking the Cabbage

Overcooking the cabbage can result in a mushy texture and a loss of nutrients.

To avoid this, make sure you monitor the cooking time carefully and test the cabbage for doneness periodically.

A fork should easily pierce the cabbage, but it should still have some bite to it.

Not Draining the Cabbage Properly

After boiling the cabbage, it’s crucial to drain it well to prevent excess moisture from making the casserole soggy.

Take an additional step to press out any remaining liquid with a clean kitchen towel or paper towel.

Inadequate Seasoning

Brenda Gantt’s cabbage casserole recipe is known for its delicious flavors.

Make sure to use the correct measurements of salt, pepper, and other seasonings as indicated in the recipe to enhance the taste.

Don’t be afraid to taste and adjust the seasoning as needed.

Using Low-Quality Ingredients

Using high-quality, fresh ingredients will significantly impact the final flavor of the dish.

Make an effort to source the freshest cabbage, cream of chicken soup, and crackers for best results.

Choosing fresh produce and quality products will make a noticeable difference in the finished casserole.

Not Preheating the Oven

Preheating the oven before baking the casserole is essential to ensure even cooking.

Skipping this step can lead to uneven heat distribution, causing inconsistency in the texture and cooking time.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can master Brenda Gantt’s cabbage casserole recipe and create a delicious, comforting meal for your friends and family to enjoy.

Brenda Gantt Cabbage Casserole Recipe (2024)
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