Easy and Delicious Naan Bread Recipe (2024)

Want to make easy, authentic, Indian-style naan bread at home? This easy naan bread recipe is perfect to serve with your favorite soup, salad, or stew and even as a base for pizza.

Easy and Delicious Naan Bread Recipe (1)

What is naan bread?

Naan bread is a soft, moist, textured flatbread created by mixing flour, sugar, yogurt, yeast, water, and salt. It traditionally comes from Indian cuisine and is typically served hot with a generous layer of ghee or butter.

In addition to being eating alone, this bread is delicious when paired with dips like yogurt or hummus!

Traditional naan is cooked in a tandoori oven. For our purposes, we will be using a cast iron skillet or a heavy-bottomed pan over medium to high heat. This recipe will require just 1 hour and 35 minutes, which includes time spent letting the dough rise.

Fun fact: “Naan” itself means bread. By calling it “naan bread,” you’re actually calling it “bread bread!”

Easy and Delicious Naan Bread Recipe (2)

Ingredients required to make naan

There’s nothing better than an easy, low ingredient recipe. To make this bread, there are only six things that you’ll need.

  • Water: For the dough, you will need warm water. Make sure that it isn’t hot.
  • Dry Yeast: The yeast will be used to help the dough rise.
  • Sugar: A bit of sugar is used to give the naan a slight flavor. We’ll be using just 1 tsp.
  • All-Purpose Flour: We’ll be using flour to create the bulk of the dough.
  • Salt: I find that for this recipe, 1 tsp of salt is the perfect amount.
  • Yogurt: Yogurt is a staple ingredient in naan bread and will help to give this dish its signature flavor and tenderness.

Is naan vegan?

Traditional naan is not a vegan dish, as it requires the use of yogurt. However, that’s the only animal product. To make your batch of naan bread vegan-friendly, simply swap regular yogurt with a dairy-free version of your choice!

Easy and Delicious Naan Bread Recipe (3)

How to make naan

Step 1: Proof the yeast
Combine warm water (about 105 degrees F) with yeast and sugar. This is going to activate the yeast while also helping you to see if the yeast is alive. After 5 to 10 minutes, the mixture should be frothy (if not, discard and try again with fresher yeast).

Easy and Delicious Naan Bread Recipe (4)

Step 2: Combine with flour
In a large bowl (or the bowl of your Kitchen Aid), combine flour and salt. Add yeast mixture and yogurt. You’ll know the mixture is ready when it forms a solid ball shape and has a stretchy, doughy texture.

Easy and Delicious Naan Bread Recipe (5)

Step 3: Knead the dough
Knead by hand (8 minutes) or with the bread hook of a standing mixer (5 minutes at medium speed), until dough is smooth. The dough will be sticky, but if it is too sticky to handle, add flour 1 tablespoon at a time.

Easy and Delicious Naan Bread Recipe (6)

Step 4: Give the dough time to rise
Place dough in a lightly greased bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Set in a warm place and let rise for 1 to 2 hours, or until dough has doubled in size. (I recommend setting your dough in a warm place because in warmth, yeast cells are more active and therefore can effectively rise).

Easy and Delicious Naan Bread Recipe (7)

Step 5: Divide the dough
On a well-floured surface, flatten dough into a disk, then cut that disk into 8 pieces. For equal-sized naan bread, slice the dough as evenly as possible. We’ll be pulling these apart to cook individually.

Easy and Delicious Naan Bread Recipe (8)

Step 6: Cook the dough
Heat a cast iron skillet or heavy-bottomed pan over medium/high heat. Working one at a time, roll each piece of naan on a floured surface to about 1/4 inch thick (it’s fine if the shape isn’t perfect). Cook in the skillet, about 2 minutes per side (until golden brown with slightly charred spots). Cover with a towel to keep warm while you finish the rest.

Easy and Delicious Naan Bread Recipe (9)

A fun twist: cheese naan!

If you’ve read through this recipe and found yourself wondering how to make cheese naan, keep reading. Cheese naan is a fun and absolutely delicious twist on the traditional style. The best part is that it’s very simple!

How to make cheese naan:

  1. Cut the dough into 16 pieces (rather than 8).
  2. Roll each out to ⅛-inch.
  3. Sprinkle a few tablespoons of mozzarella cheese into the center, top with another piece, and crimp the edges to seal.
  4. Cook as instructed above!
Easy and Delicious Naan Bread Recipe (10)

How to enjoy naan

These flatbreads can be enjoyed in a number of ways. I love to pair this bread with dishes like Chickpea Tikka Masala, Chana Dal, Vegetable Biryani, and Tofu Tikka Masala. You may also love it paired with various curry dishes! Here are some options that you may want to try:

  • As a pizza dough
  • Thai Vegetarian Coconut Curry
  • Coconut Kidney Bean Curry
  • Banana Thai Curry
  • Thai Red Curry
  • Mulligatawny Soup

Easy and Delicious Naan Bread Recipe (11)

Naan Bread

4.58 from 7 votes

Prep: 1 hour hour 15 minutes minutes

Cook: 20 minutes minutes

Total: 1 hour hour 35 minutes minutes

Calories: 190kcal

Servings: 8 pieces

Print Rate

Want to make easy, authentic, Indian-style naan bread at home? This easy naan bread recipe is perfect to serve with your favorite soup, salad, or stew and even as a base for pizza.


  • ½ cup warm water not hot, 120 mL
  • 2 ¼ tsp active dry yeast 1 ¼-oz package, 7 g
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 3 cups all-purpose flour 360 g
  • 1 tsp salt
  • ¾ cup full-fat yogurt 180 g


  • Proof yeast: Combine warm water with yeast and sugar. After 5 to 10 minutes, the mixture should be frothy.

  • Combine with flour: In a large bowl (or the bowl of your Kitchen Aid), combine flour and salt. Add yeast mixture and yogurt.

  • Knead: Knead by hand (8 minutes) or with the bread hook of a standing mixer (5 minutes at medium speed), until dough is smooth. The dough will be sticky, but if it is too sticky to handle, add flour 1 tablespoon at a time.

  • Rise: Place dough in a lightly greased bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Set in a warm place* and let rise for 1 to 2 hours, or until dough has doubled in size.

  • Divide: On a well-floured surface, flatten dough into a disk, then cut that disk into 8 pieces.

  • Cook: Heat a cast iron skillet or heavy-bottomed pan over medium/high heat. Working one at a time, roll each piece of naan on a floured surface to about 1/4 inch thick (it's fine if the shape isn't perfect). Cook in the skillet, about 2 minutes per side (until golden brown with slightly charred spots). Cover with a towel to keep warm while you finish the rest.

Tips & Tricks

To make cheese naancut the dough into 16 pieces (rather than 8). Roll each out to ⅛-inch. Sprinkle a few tablespoons of mozzarella cheese into the center, top with another piece, and crimp the edges to seal. Cook as instructed above.

Storenaan in an air tight container at room temp for a few days. To reheat, wrap in a damp paper towel and microwave for 15 seconds.

Nutrition Information

Serving: 1naan Calories: 190kcal (10%) Carbohydrates: 37.8g (13%) Protein: 6.1g (12%) Fat: 1.3g (2%) Saturated Fat: 0.6g (4%) Cholesterol: 3mg (1%) Sodium: 303mg (13%) Potassium: 108mg (3%) Fiber: 1.5g (6%) Sugar: 1.7g (2%) Calcium: 36mg (4%) Iron: 2mg (11%)

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Easy and Delicious Naan Bread Recipe (2024)


What makes naan bread so good? ›

Naan bread is soft, fluffy, and chewy, whereas pita bread is denser with a slightly crispy texture on the outside. Naan bread also has a buttery flavor due to the ghee and buttermilk in the dough, which adds an extra dimension of flavor compared to pita bread's more neutral taste.

Why do you put yogurt in naan bread? ›

Naan has a thicker, fluffier texture because it is made with yogurt. Pita is thinner bread made with less ingredients (flour, water, salt, etc) and no yogurt. Naan is cooked in a skillet while Pita is usually baked at very high temperatures in the oven.

Is naan bread healthier than regular bread? ›

Which is healthier: bread or naan? Naan is a flatbread, whereas bread comes in loaves. Naan is higher in fat, protein, and carbohydrates than loaf bread. The higher protein content of naan will allow you to feel fuller for longer and curve cravings.

What is the most popular naan? ›

One of the most well-known varieties of Naan is the traditional Indian flatbread known as butter naan. Flour, yeast, salt, sugar, and yogurt are used in their preparation.

Why is naan unhealthy? ›

Skip: Naan

And like those fluffy spuds, this soft flatbread has little nutritional value. Most naan recipes call for Greek yogurt to give it that airy texture. But that's more than offset by less healthy ingredients like white flour, sugar, and oil.

Why do you sprinkle water on naan bread? ›

you put it on naans to keep them soft. In fact best method is to get some grease proof paper, scrunch it all up and then run it under the tap, flatten it out and drizzle with olive oil then wrap the naan bread in it and cook for 10 minutes.

Why is my naan not fluffy? ›

Naan doesn't get bubbles – Pan not hot enough, dough not moist enough or improper leavening. Naan turns hard – Toasting for too long, not enough moisture in the dough, toasting on low heat or not kneading the dough enough.

What is traditional naan made from? ›

My favorite homemade naan recipe is made with basic bread ingredients (flour, water and yeast) plus a generous dollop of yogurt, egg and baking powder to make the bread extra soft and chewy.

Is naan healthy? ›

While it may contain more carbs and sugars, it earns its reputation as a healthy alternative with its relatively generous amounts of protein and fiber. Despite its high carb content, naan can be considered a more nutrient-dense alternative to white bread and pita.

What is the best bread for high blood pressure? ›

Whole-wheat bread is another nutritious addition to a heart-healthy diet that can help manage blood pressure.

Is naan bread good for your stomach? ›

Naan bread made with whole wheat flour will be higher in fiber, which can aid in digestion and promote feelings of fullness. On the other hand, naan bread made with refined flour will be lower in fiber and may be more difficult to digest. It's also important to consider the ingredients used in the naan bread.

Which brand of garlic naan is best? ›

Stonefire Flatbread Naans are some of the best …

The garlic naan is an absolute favorite in my house! 5 out of 5 stars.

Do Muslims eat naan? ›

Amir Khusrau mentions two kinds of naan eaten by Muslim nobles; Naan-e-Tunuk and Naan-e-Tanuri.

What is flaky naan called? ›

Parathas are a flaky, buttery, and layered style of flatbread that can be served alongside curries, rolled up and dipped into hot chai, or made into a meal by themselves with a side of raita for dunking.

What makes naan bread different from other breads? ›

The name comes from the Persian word, non, for bread. Unlike pita, naan has yogurt, milk, and sometimes eggs or butter in it, resulting in a softer texture. When the dough is made, bakers shape it into a ball and slap it on the interior walls of a tandoor, a clay oven. The bread puffs up and bubbles as it cooks.

Is naan bread good for gut health? ›

Naan made from whole grain, sourdough, rye, or other grain alternatives is richer in dietary fiber than those made with enriched flour or refined grains. Fiber helps to maintain bowel health and regulates bowel movements.

What is the healthiest bread to eat? ›

Top 10 healthiest loaves
  1. Ezekiel. This is a bread made from a mix of sprouted wholegrains, typically wheat, barley, spelt and millet, as well as legumes, lentils and soya beans. ...
  2. Pumpernickel. ...
  3. Rye bread. ...
  4. 100% wholemeal wheat bread. ...
  5. Buckwheat bread. ...
  6. Spelt bread. ...
  7. Sourdough. ...
  8. Soda bread.
Aug 29, 2020

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