How To Run With Your Dog — Sidekick by Finn (2024)


Written By Randall Stainton

Running with your pup is a great way to bond together. Let’s learn more about how to train your dog to run with you!

Table of Contents:

  • How To Train Your Dog To Run With You

    • Dogs Are Natural Runners

      • Which Dog Breeds Make the Best Running Partners?

      • Is My Dog Too Young Or Too Old?

    • Training and Conditioning

      • Loose Leash Walking

      • Warm-Ups

      • Building Strength and Endurance

      • Running in the Elements

      • Warm Weather Running

      • Cold Weather Running

    • Top Tips For a Successful Run

    • Off to the Finish Line!

Going on a run with your dog is a great way for you and your dog to stay active. Not only is it an excellent activity to get blood pumping, but it’s also a great way for you and your pup to bond.

You can’t run your dog long distances right off the bat, though. You’ll need to train with your dog and work up their stamina, just like you train, yourself, to run longer distances!

If you’re looking to train your dog to run with you, we can help. Let's get started with the basics.

Dogs Are Natural Runners

It’s important to consider distance before starting your runs with Fido since some dog breeds are much better distance runners than others. Don’t expect your pug to qualify for the Boston Marathon.

Once you’ve set your distance goal, you can determine whether or not your dog is physically suited to run with you.

Which Dog Breeds Make the Best Running Partners?

Some breeds in particular love the need for speed, especially on a run alongside Mom or Dad.

Check out some of the best jogging buddies below:

  • Golden Retrievers

  • Border Collies

  • Siberian Huskies

  • Boxers

  • Dalmations

  • Labrador Retrievers

  • German Shepherds

  • Springer Spaniels

How To Run With Your Dog — Sidekick by Finn (2)

There are also dog breeds that should avoid running long distances. Why? Because of the shape of their faces. Dogs with brachycephalic faces, i.e. short-snouted flattened faces, may experience trouble breathing after even a short sprint. These breeds include (but aren’t limited to) Pugs, French Bulldogs, and Shih Tzus.

You should also be mindful of the size of your breed — while a young Husky may be able to keep up a trot on that mile-long trail, an adult Jack Russell might not be able to handle that kind of pace for that long.

Is My Dog Too Young Or Too Old?

Age matters.

Puppies aren’t the best choice when it comes to running partners. Since they are still growing, they are more susceptible to injury if they try to run long distance.

Just like an overexcited child, your pup may not know when to stop because they’re just having such a darn good time!

Most experts agree that puppies shouldn’t be taken along on runs before about a year old, with the AKC even suggesting holding off until about a year and a half.

If you are unsure when you should start running with your dog, consult with your veterinarian — they’re the best source to get answers specific to your sidekick.

How To Run With Your Dog — Sidekick by Finn (3)

On the other side of the spectrum, there is no set “age limit” for your dog to start staying behind when you go for your morning jog — the best thing to do is to just keep an eye on the way your dog moves about as they approach old age.

You’ll want to watch for signs of hip or joint problems like particularly slow or stiff movement, especially when ambulating stairs, going out to potty, or climbing onto furniture.

If they don’t seem quite as agile as they used to be, stick to a walking pace to keep exercise doable for your senior pup.

Training and Conditioning

Walk then run.

Before picking up speed, ask yourself the question: Does my dog have good leash etiquette? If the answer is no, then start here and build a foundation for good leash behavior. You wouldn’t want to take a tumble because Fido is pulling the leash!

Loose Leash Walking

If you are unsure of what a loose leash walk is, picture this: your dog is on your left-hand side when walking, and you are holding the leash in your right hand. With your dog staying to your left, the remainder of the leash loosely drapes in front of you, forming the shape of the letter “J.”

The best way to train for a loose leash walk is with their favorite reward, whether that’s a fancy treat or some extra praise.

You’ll also want a collar or harness that fits your pup well, and a four to six-foot leash. Be sure to stay away from retractable leashes, as they can make leash training difficult for you and your pup since they are virtually impossible to control.

When it comes to training your pup, patience is key. It can be an exhausting, frustrating, and lengthy process, but it’ll pay off!

It’s best to start in an area where your dog doesn’t have a lot of distractions. Instead, focus on the commands you tell to your dog.

How To Run With Your Dog — Sidekick by Finn (5)

By following the below steps, you’ll be one step closer to successfully training your pup to run (or walk) with you!

  1. Keep the treats accessible and in quick reach, either in a pouch or in your pocket.

  2. Determine the side you want your dog to walk on. Then, hold a few treats in your hand on the preferred side.

  3. Keep the leash in the opposite hand with the leash crossing your body loosely in the shape of the letter “J.”

  4. Now, take a step and stop. Give your pup a treat at their height, right next to your leg.

  5. Take two steps this time, then stop. Did your dog rush ahead of you? If so, that’s okay! But don’t reward them immediately. Instead, use the treats to encourage them back to your side, take two or three steps forward once more, then hand over the reward.

  6. Gradually increase the number of steps you take before each treat.

  7. Once your pup is walking well on the loose leash, decide on the word or phrase you want to use to release them. Examples include saying, “all done,” or “okay.”

While training your dog, feel free to talk to them and keep their attention focused on your actions and commands. After all, it’s easy for them to get distracted!

To take the training a step further, you can also build in speed cues when your dog is ready. Phrases such as “let’s go” or “get running,” for example, can make your dog aware that it’s time to move it. To teach speed cues, tell your pup the cues right before you are about to pick up speed.

There are also a few things to watch out for when training your pup:

  • Pulling: Letting them know that you are in charge and want them to walk beside you, not in front of or behind you.

  • Weaving: i.e., walking from left to right in front of you — this easily becomes a trip hazard.

If you find your pup getting anxious or upset during the training process, it’s okay to slow down the training process.


Warm-ups are important for your dog because they can help prepare your dog for a run or walk, just like the way you stretch before your own run. They can not only help your dog avoid injury, but can also help prime them that it’s time for some extra obedience.

Here are some ways you and your pup can warm up for a run:

  • Loose leash walk for about five minutes.

  • Use cues. Have your pup change positions using different combinations of basic cues such as sit, down, and stand.

  • Do small, trotting-pace Figure 8’s.

Building Strength and Endurance

Don’t expect your pup to be ready to run a 5K the first time around. Just like us, they need to build up their strength and endurance through training.

How To Run With Your Dog — Sidekick by Finn (6)

To begin the process, add short bursts of jogging and running into your routine walks. Then, every other walk, increase the interval of the jog while decreasing your walking time. It may take a few weeks, but before you know it, both you and your dog will be running longer distances in no time.

Running in the Elements

Depending on where you live, what season is in effect, and the temperature extremes that may follow, running in the great outdoors can be a hazard to your pet’s health.

Warm Weather Running

Because your pup is covered in fur, high temperatures can be dangerous for them to run in. The way dogs cool down after a run is different from humans; while we sweat, dogs pant.

Consider bringing your dog a water bottle or collapsible bowl to rehydrate them after or even halfway through the run. More importantly, be aware of the signs of heat exhaustion, like excessive panting, lethargy, loss of coordination, or heavy drooling.

If your dog is overheating, you can spray them with cool (not cold) water, put them in front of a fan, and offer them a cool bowl of water.

Cold Weather Running

Just like warm weather, excessively cold weather isn’t the most ideal climate for your pup to run in, either, mostly because of the various risks that are posed to their paws.

If there’s snow on the ground, it can get packed into your dog’s paws, causing damage by building up between their toes.

Road salts during the colder months can also be harmful. While some salts or ice melts are safe for pets, most of them will irritate paws and can result in chemical burns.

How To Run With Your Dog — Sidekick by Finn (7)

After a cold-weather run, bring your pup inside and give those paws a good washin’. You can also train your dog to wear shoes or booties for even more protection. Prevention is always your friend, so it may be worth picking up pad balm (think chapstick for their paws) during your next visit to the pet store.

Top Tips For a Successful Run

Once you are done training your pup, taking them on their first run can be a new and exciting experience. The following tips can help you and your dog stay safe during a run:

  • Plan your run in the early morning or the late afternoon. It’s best not to run during the hottest part of the day, which is usually around noon to 2 pm.

  • Warm-up before a run. The same goes for afterward — it’s always a good idea to cool down and stretch.

  • Check the weather before heading outside, and plan accordingly.

  • Stay hydrated! Bring water for both you and your pet.

  • Take breaks. Depending on the distance, allow your pet a break once in a while to just breathe, sit, and recharge.

  • Know your dog’s limits and watch for signs of distress, such as excessive panting or falling behind.

  • Consider using a hands-free leash. This allows you to move your arms properly when running.

How To Run With Your Dog — Sidekick by Finn (8)

Do what you can to support your pup’s hips and joints. Running can be taxing on the hips and joints! Just like humans need to run with proper posture, wear the right shoes, and stay nourished to get a good run in, dogs need support, too, and this can come in the form of a joint supplement that works to support joint health and mobility so your sidekick can stay at your side for many runs to come!

Off to the Finish Line!

Congratulations on training your dog! It doesn’t matter if it's short runs or long runs; the fact that you and your dog are now enjoying each other’s company while staying fit is an awesome feat!

Remember, it’s important to adjust your running pace and distance as you build up your pup’s speed and endurance over time. If at any point you have doubts or questions about your dog’s ability to keep up, you can always give your vet a call for advice.


How to Train Your Dog to Run With You | AKC

How to start running with your dog | Ontario SPCA

Run, Spot, Run! | AVMA

Teach your dog to walk on a loose leash | Animal Humane Society

Teaching Loose Leash Walking | Guide Dog

Protect your dog's paws from winter weather | Animal Humane Society

Randall Stainton

How To Run With Your Dog — Sidekick by Finn (2024)


How do I make my dog a running partner? ›

Start with a short, 10-minute run somewhere familiar for your dog. Increase your distance gradually over a number of weeks. Your dog should be panting, but not winded, during your runs.

How do you run with two dogs at once? ›

When jogging with two dogs, you'll need a double leash coupler (also called a leash splitter) so you can keep the dogs attached to a single leash for easy control. Each leash should be long enough to give each dog their own space to run with you comfortably.

How do you run with a dog that pulls? ›

Start with Leash Training

Here's the big secret to running with a dog with leash-pulling tendencies: break its pulling habit through loose leash training when they are a puppy or on walks when they are a bit older. As the adage goes, you need to walk before you can run.

What to do if a dog attacks you while running? ›

10 ways to manage unwanted attention from dogs when running
  1. Take control. Use a deep, firm voice to convey a sense of calm.
  2. Turn sideways on. Fold your arms across your body and neck and stand still. ...
  3. Move slowly away. ...
  4. Curl up if you fall. ...
  5. Don't keep going. ...
  6. Don't shriek. ...
  7. Don't make eye contact. ...
  8. Don't behave aggressively.
Aug 8, 2018

Will a dog chase me if I run? ›

Speed is intoxicating to many dogs, who give chase to anything that's moving such as squirrels, cats, dogs and runners — it's the reason why dogs chase you when you run.

How often should you run with your dog? ›

'Start with three times per week for 15 or 20 minutes, and build up from there, adding five minutes each week,' says JT Clough, a professional dog trainer and co-author of 5K Training Guide: Running with Dogs.

How far can dogs run at once? ›

If the dog is in top physical condition and the weather conditions are also perfect, some dogs can easily run further than a marathon, even taking on distances of 50 miles+. Think of sled dogs, for example. My own running dog is a weimaraner, a hunting breed meant to run through fields all day long.

Can I run 2 miles with my dog? ›

Yes! Some small dogs will have more energy and endurance than others, but most can run with you for at least 1-2 miles. Start with 1 mile for a few runs, and increase the distance if your dog seems OK. Jack Russell terriers are a good example of a small breed that can easily run 5 miles or more.

Is it better to run with a dog collar or harness? ›

Harnesses are generally considered safer for running because they reduce the risk of neck injuries, especially if your dog abruptly lunges or changes direction. They also minimize the chance of a collar slipping off or becoming too tight during vigorous activity.

At what age can you run with a dog? ›

Puppies have bones and muscles that are still maturing, so it's important to wait until they are fully grown (at least one year old) before you start running with them, especially if it is for long-distance running.

Is it better to run with a dog in a harness or collar? ›

When it comes to gear, Simon suggests a well-fitting, reflective harness, and a bungee leash. This helps to prevent pulling, and will allow some give so neither of you will end up being yanked along. She also urges against using neck collars.

Can I bring my dog for a run? ›

Dogs should be fully mature before they start running, especially in harness. For younger breed this may be a year old, sometimes up to 18 months for larger breeds, and how early or late they are neutered or spayed an also affect their early growth.

How to train your dog to run with you without a leash? ›

Off leash dog training process
  1. Be calm and assertive. ...
  2. Start with training obedient behavior. ...
  3. Use a Long Leash. ...
  4. Test going off leash in a safe place. ...
  5. Going off leash in a public place for the first time. ...
  6. Regular, automatic check-ins. ...
  7. Emergency sits and downs. ...
  8. Motivate with treats – make them visible.
Apr 11, 2023

How long of a run can I take my dog on? ›

How far a dog can safely run depends so much on the unique dog. If the dog is in top physical condition and the weather conditions are also perfect, some dogs can easily run further than a marathon, even taking on distances of 50 miles+.

Can I take my dog out for a run? ›

Our general rule of thumb (dewclaw, anyone?) is that the bones of most dog breeds are fully developed around one year - distance running should wait until after that! Your dog should also be overall healthy, eating normally, and enjoying physical activity to be considered as your new running buddy.

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