SweetSugarBelle's Favorite Gingerbread Recipe (2024)

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by Katrina Bahl

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GUEST POST:SweetSugarBelle’s Favorite Gingerbread Recipe by Sweet Sugarbelle

Hi, my name is Callye Alvarado, and I might have a cookie problem. Oh who are we kidding? It’s not a problem, it’s a full blown obsession. I love cookie decorating so much that I have an entire blog dedicated to cookies.

SweetSugarBelle's Favorite Gingerbread Recipe (1)

I bake so many cookies that I’ve become pretty good at resisting the occasional nibble, but that goes away when I break out my gingerbread recipe. It’s so good I think everyone should try it. Even my husband, who’s not a gingerbread fan, admits it is good.

SweetSugarBelle's Favorite Gingerbread Recipe (2)

I prefer to keep my gingerbread decoration simple so that the cookie can shine through. I think they agree!

SweetSugarBelle's Favorite Gingerbread Recipe (3)

SweetSugarBelle's Favorite Gingerbread Recipe (4)

Soft and spicy gingerbread cookies

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  • ½ cup shortening
  • ½ c butter
  • 1 c granulated sugar
  • 1 ¼ c unsulphered molasses
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp. flavoring extract such as vanilla or orange
  • 5-5 ½ c all-purpose flour {sometimes even six}
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp ground ginger
  • 3 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 ½ tsp ground cloves
  • 2 tsp ground nutmeg
  • ¼- ½ tsp ground white pepper {optional}


  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

  • Cream together shortening butter and granulated sugar. Add the molasses and eggs and whip until light and fluffy.

  • Sift all of your dry ingredients into a large bowl then use a measuring cup to add the dry ingredients about 1 cup at a time.

  • Separate the dough into three equal pieces, then wrap in plastic wrap and chill for an hour or two.

  • Roll out on floured parchment paper to about 1/4 an inch thick and cut into desired shapes. Place the cut out cookies into the freezer for ten minutes or so before baking.

  • Bake at 375° for 6-8 minutes for small cookies, 8-10 minutes for medium, and 10-15 minutes for large. Let cool, then decorate with vanilla royal icing.

Original recipes and images © In Katrina's Kitchen

Did you make this recipe?Tag @katrinaskitchen on Instagram with the hashtag #katrinaskitchenrecipes

Thank you for inviting me to attend your annual cookie exchange, Katrina, I always have a blast! Cannot wait to see the cookies yet to come.

Happy holidays, and even happier baking my cookie friends!

If you don’t know Callye you just need to set aside an hour or more to go and get lost in her blog. Her cookies blow me away each and every time she posts. I especially like that she takes the time to explain her designs in easy-to-follow tutorials. I can’t wait to try her gingerbread recipe- I mean this girl KNOWS her cookies. 🙂

You can connect with Callye on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and her blog The Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle. Here are a few of her cookies to get you started:

Frosty the Snowman Cupcake Cookies

Brown Sugar Roll Out Cookies

Candy Canes with Bows Cookies

Thanks for bringing the cookies, Callye!

All Recipes, Christmas, Christmas Cookie Tray Favorites, Cookies, Holidays, I'll Bring the COOKIES

posted on December 10, 2012 — updated November 9, 2020 // 17 comments

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    17 Comments on “SweetSugarBelle’s Favorite Gingerbread Recipe”

  1. Kenny DombroskyReply

    As an avid baker, I’m so embarrassed! After mixing all of the ingredients (I thought), I portioned it into 3 balls, wrapped them up, put them in fridge and discovered I forgot to add the vanilla. What am I supposed to do? Throw everything out, and start over?SweetSugarBelle's Favorite Gingerbread Recipe (5)

  2. MelissaReply

    Loved this recipe! Never made gingerbread cookies before, super tasty! I cut the shortening in half and increased the butter. It was a rainy humid day, so I only need 5 1/4 cup of flour, and I added a dash of all spice. Will make these every year for Christmas!

    You should now go checkout Katrina’s sugar cookies!SweetSugarBelle's Favorite Gingerbread Recipe (6)

  3. Vivien CurtisReply

    Love this recipe. Turned out great!Thanks!SweetSugarBelle's Favorite Gingerbread Recipe (7)

  4. ShannonReply

    Approximately how many dozen cookies does this recipe make?

  5. SheilaReply

    Best gingerbread cookies EVER!!SweetSugarBelle's Favorite Gingerbread Recipe (8)

  6. Tia TerrcotReply

    This is kinda confusing…. the flour first of all. 5-51/2 even sometimes 6? Then the extract. The fact that you said “SUCH AS” is just kinda suspicious. Like, are we supposed to use both? Anyway, for the extract I put a tsp of vanilla and 1/2 a tsp of pure lemon extract. it came out really nicely.

  7. AnnaReply

    how about a frosting recipe

  8. TrishReply

    I’m confused about how much flour to use…5 to 5 1/2 and sometimes 6 cups???

    • Simone

      I do not see where anyone’s questions are answered

    • Katrina Bahl

      This is not my recipe, so I cannot advise. I will be in touch with the author.

    • Colette Franklyn

      The 5-51/2 sometimes 6 cups of flour will come into play depending on how your batter comes in when mixed;SweetSugarBelle's Favorite Gingerbread Recipe (9)

  9. PatriciaReply

    Would love to bake the gingerbread biscuits. Can the molasses be substituted with golden syrup?
    Would this receipt be suitable to use for a gingerbread house?

  10. Meg FReply

    About how many dozen cookies will this recipie make?

    • Tia Terrcot

      Thats what i was wondering. With a small sized cookie you can make about 2 dozen. If it is for a big thing than you might want to double it.

  11. linda smartReply

    can u use all butter in this recipe or can we use coconut oil instead of shortening

  12. linda smartReply

    can u use all butter or instead of shortening,,,use coconut oil ?

  13. BrooklynReply

    These are the best tasting gingerbread cookies we have ever made. I don’t have shortening in our house so we always substitute the shortening with butter but it always turns out well. I’ve been asked for the recipe by other people. Thank you for sharing it!

SweetSugarBelle's Favorite Gingerbread Recipe (2024)


What is the best gingerbread in the world? ›

Victorian cook Sarah Nelson invented Grasmere Gingerbread® in 1854 in the English Lake District village from where it gets its name. A unique, spicy-sweet cross between a biscuit and cake, its reputation quickly spread and it is now enjoyed by food lovers all over the world.

Why shouldn't you use blackstrap molasses in gingerbread? ›

Though it's ideal for savory foods such as barbecue sauces and stews, Bourdon cautioned against choosing blackstrap for cookies. “Please avoid this dark and bitter molasses for your baking recipes,” she said. “It will make your cookies dry and quite frankly inedible. The rationale is basic chemistry.

What makes gingerbread taste like gingerbread? ›

Spice Combinations

Some other common spices used in gingerbread recipes are cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, cardamom, and allspice. Cinnamon is available in ground form and in a stick. For baking, you should use ground cinnamon. Nutmeg adds a nutty, sweet spiciness to gingerbread.

Which molasses is best for gingerbread? ›

Choose unsulfured molasses when possible, since sulfur dioxide can leave an unpleasant, chemical-like aftertaste, according to Smith. “Unsulfured molasses is derived from processed mature sugar cane,” she said. “It's rich in flavor with a smoky depth. The most natural.

What town is famous for gingerbread? ›

Sarah couldn't know it at the time but Grasmere village would eventually become synonymous with her famous culinary delicacy and become known and celebrated throughout the world.

What is the famous German gingerbread? ›

In Germany, when you think of Christmas, you think of Nuremberg Lebkuchen, the city's famous gingerbread. These sweet and spicy treats have been baked for more than 600 years and are loved by young and old alike.

Is molasses or golden syrup better for gingerbread? ›

Molasses – Essential for that deep, rich, caramel-like gingerbread flavour! It also helps hold the dough's shape. Golden syrup makes a great sub, or treacle. Honey will also work, but the cookies will spread out a touch more and not have the same deep flavour (but still very, very good!).

Is grandma's unsulphured molasses the same as blackstrap? ›

Unsulphured molasses can be light, dark or blackstrap, as long as it hasn't been treated with sulphur dioxide. Most commercially produced molasses is unsulphured.

Can I use brown sugar instead of molasses in gingerbread? ›

Brown sugar is actually a combination of granulated sugar and molasses, so it's a good substitute for molasses. While measurements may vary per recipe, you can generally replace 1 cup molasses with 3/4 cup packed brown sugar.

What are the three types of gingerbread? ›

The three distinct types of gingerbread are brown gingerbread, wafer-based gingerbread and honey gingerbread.

Should gingerbread be soft or crunchy? ›

Gingerbread cookies should be soft. They should be supple. They should bend to your teeth before the cookie skin breaks and the crumbs fall all over you. They should retain a bit of elasticity, and maybe you can even leave your fingerprints on the cookie if you hold them too hard because you're just that excited.

Can I use golden syrup instead of molasses? ›

Golden Syrup

With its golden, amber color, it is lighter than molasses, though the two are similar in their thickness. Golden syrup also a liquid sweetener, so 1 cup of golden syrup can replace 1 cup of molasses. Golden syrup has a unique flavor, so it may alter the flavor of your recipe slightly.

Is shortening or butter better for gingerbread? ›

If you prefer butter to shortening, recognize that a gingerbread boy cookie made with Crisco or shortening will be higher and lighter than a gingerbread boy cookie made with butter which will be flatter and crispier.

Which is better, sulphured or unsulphured molasses? ›

Molasses made from ripe sugar cane is called unsulfured molasses because it has no additives. If green, unripe sugarcane is used, it is treated with sulfur dioxide first to preserve it. It can leave a chemical taste in the mouth, so we recommend looking for unsulfured molasses whenever possible.

What kind of molasses is in Grandma's? ›

Grandma's comes in two grades: Original Molasses and Robust Molasses. Both are unsulfured molasses, making them the finest quality of sugarcane molasses available.

What is the world's most expensive gingerbread? ›

The world's most expensive gingerbread house has been created, adorned with diamonds valued at a staggering £6 million. Created by renowned designer Debbie Wingham, the cake was created for a private client who is planning to propose over the festive season. leaving the page.

What is the gingerbread capital of the world? ›

Nuremberg was recognized as the "Gingerbread Capital of the World" when in the 1600s the guild started to employ master bakers and skilled workers to create complicated works of art from gingerbread. Medieval bakers used carved boards to create elaborate designs.

Which country eats the most gingerbread? ›

In 2018, the highest levels of gingerbread per capita consumption was registered in the Netherlands (2,361 kg per 1000 persons), followed by Germany (886 kg per 1000 persons), Belgium (799 kg per 1000 persons) and Spain (748 kg per 1000 persons), while the world average per capita consumption of gingerbread was ...

Why is German gingerbread special? ›

German Gingerbread is soft and moist, unlike the hard gingerbread that is known in North America. It is made with nuts and a special spice mixture called Lebkuchen spice that is similar to Pumpkin Pie Spice and gives them their unique flavor.

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