The Importance of Hay in a Guinea Pig's Diet (2024)

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The Importance of Hay in a Guinea Pig's Diet (2024)


The Importance of Hay in a Guinea Pig's Diet? ›

An unlimited quantity of fresh grass hay daily is the cornerstone to a healthy guinea pig diet. It should be around 80% of their diet. Guinea pigs need continuous access to hay to aid their digestion and limit the growth of their teeth.

Why is hay important for guinea pigs? ›

Remember, guinea pigs need hay and/or grass for their digestive systems to function properly. Also, their teeth are always growing, and eating hay helps wear them down to keep them at the correct length and shape. The wrong diet can cause serious dental disease.

Can guinea pigs survive without hay? ›

Guinea pigs can last up to 24 hours without hay, any longer and they may start to develop digestive issues and up to 72 hours, give or take, they can die from starvation and deteriorating health.

How do I know if my guinea pig is eating enough hay? ›

How do I know if my guinea pig is eating enough? Guinea pigs are constant grazers and you should see them eating throughout the day, they should be grazing on hay and grass. Weight your guinea pigs on a regular basis to keep an eye on any weight loss or weight gain.

Why do guinea pigs love hay so much? ›

In the wild, guinea pigs naturally burrow and tunnel in long grasses, so hay allows you to recreate this environment for domestic piggies. Any extra hay that's not eaten can be used to play and even as bedding (just make sure that the hay you hand out to eat is fresh and not soiled!).

Should I put hay in my guinea pig cage? ›

Hay is a good choice because it is soft and absorbent, and it also helps keep your guinea pig's cage clean. You can buy hay at most pet stores, or you can grow your own. If you choose to grow your own hay, make sure that it is free of pesticides and herbicides.

Why doesn't my guinea pig eat hay? ›

Switch up the physical presentation. If your pet is not eating enough hay, first change how your pet is being presented their hay. If they are being fed hay with a feeder or holder of some kind that requires them to work for their food, opt instead for a feeder where they do not have to work.

Can I feed my guinea pig grass instead of hay? ›


There are a couple of obvious ways to let your guinea pigs eat grass; bring it to them or find a secure spot to let them eat it straight off the ground.

What is the best type of hay for guinea pigs? ›

What is the best hay for Guinea Pigs? The popular feeding hay for guinea pigs is Timothy Hay, Rye Grass or Silky Soft Hay. Both of these hays offer benefits to your guinea pig, so it can be a case of finding out which your guinea pig prefers.

What can I use instead of hay for guinea pigs? ›

Fresh grass along with some green vegetables are a fine substitution for most small herbivore species like guinea pigs and rabbits, but any food change must be done gradually to avoid diarrhea.

How much hay should a guinea pig eat per day? ›

An unlimited quantity of fresh grass hay daily is the cornerstone to a healthy guinea pig diet. It should be around 80% of their diet. Guinea pigs need continuous access to hay to aid their digestion and limit the growth of their teeth.

Can you overfeed a guinea pig hay? ›

It's best just to make sure there's an unlimited amount of fresh hay available all the time, as guinea pigs cannot overeat on this healthy food. Sometimes hay is used for bedding as well as for food, and in this case your guinea pig will need more hay available in their home.

Is too much timothy hay bad for guinea pigs? ›

Not only can your guinea pig have timothy hay every day, but your guinea pig's diet should include around 80-90 percent hay content. You can think of it this way: feed your guinea pig a portion of timothy hay that is around the size of their body.

What is the purpose of hay for guinea pigs? ›

Without it, a guinea pig's unique digestive system won't work properly, so please make sure they maintain a high fibre diet with loads of hay! In addition to keeping their digestive system in order, hay is also great for wearing your piggies teeth down.

Should guinea pigs sleep in hay? ›

A favourite of our fluffy friends, hay is not just for munching on and playing in, it's also a good bedding choice. Line the bottom of your guinea pigs' enclosure with some newspaper and cover with a generous amount of hay. Use puppy pads or hemp bedding such as Aubiose for an extra-absorbent underlay.

How to encourage guinea pigs to eat more hay? ›

Put Hay Where They Hang Out

Rabbits and guinea pigs love to eat and poop at the same time, so putting hay in or around the litterbox is a great way to encourage hay consumption. Hay can also be placed where they sleep, and in hidey holes and houses.

Do guinea pigs need hay for bedding? ›

- Guinea pigs get lots of enrichment from hay as bedding. - They can forage in it and eat it, as well sleep in it (always provide feeding hay too!). - It's natural / compostable. - Can be used in conjunction with absorbent Aubiose (see below).

Should guinea pigs have a hay feeder? ›

Their digestive system is also incredibly complicated and needs lots of fibre to keep it working properly. All this means that guinea pigs need a diet of high-fibre plant-based food, and the best way we can give this to them is by feeding lots of hay.

What percentage of a guinea pig's diet is hay? ›

As a general guideline, about 80% of your guinea pig's daily food intake should be hay. Believe it or not, a healthy guinea pig should eat at least a body-sized amount of hay per day.

What is the best food for guinea pigs? ›

What should I feed my guinea pig? The preferred basic diet for guinea pigs is unlimited amounts of timothy or other low-calcium hay, supplemented with smaller amounts of commercial, high-fiber, timothy-based guinea pig pellets. Vitamin C should be given each day (see below).

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.