Whispers of the Heart (2024)

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1,255 reviews116 followers

April 27, 2024

The seat of knowledge is in the head, of wisdom, in the heart. ~ William Hazlitt

Our prologue begins at a familiar place … the Netherfield party arrives at an Assembly in the village of Meryton. Charlotte whispers identities to Elizabeth: Miss Bingley; Mr. and Mrs. Hurst; Mr. Darcy; Colonel Fitzwilliam; and Charles and Georgiana Bingley!

The story flashes back to the circ*mstances of the Bingley marriage. Darcy and the Colonel accompany the newlyweds to their temporary home in Hertfordshire to ensure a good start to their marriage and assist Bingley as a prospective landowner.

Your heart knows not how to lie. It is great that it lays deep in your chest and not in your mouth. ~ Kak Sri

This time, Darcy is the one who overhears and misunderstands. He eavesdrops on a conversation between Elizabeth and Charlotte Lucas and is convinced ALL the Bennets are fortune hunters and they are currently out to trap his cousin. When he is unable to persuade the Colonel against Jane Bennet, he returns to Pemberley.

After Jane and Fitzwilliam marry, they invite Elizabeth to join them on a trip to Brighton and later they journey to Rosings.

Darcy and the Bingleys also must visit Rosings to allow Lady Catherine to make her sentiments known to them all. The great lady cannot approve of her nephew’s marriage to a girl with so little standing in upper society. Likewise, she disapproves of her niece’s marriage to someone from trade.

Darcy stubbornly (extremely stubbornly) refuses to see the Bennets as anything other than social-climbing fortune hunters. He denies all his attraction to Elizabeth, even after he sees a man from the neighborhood paying her attention. Darcy’s refusal to acknowledge his error, despite confrontations from all his family, is one of the things keeping me from rating this story 5 Stars.

Surprising but perhaps not hard to believe … Lady Catherine has a heart! The reason the Rosings gardens contain no roses will touch your own heart.

The story is well-written and edited. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys JAFF.

It is only when we silent the blaring sounds of our daily existence that we can finally hear the whispers of truth that life reveals to us, as it stands knocking on the doorsteps of our hearts. ~ K.T. Jong

    2018 2021 2022


2,911 reviews1 follower

October 22, 2018

This is a story that will alienate a LOT of P&P fans by the end of the prologue when it is revealed that Bingley is married to Georgiana Darcy. But if you aren't team Jane & Bingley this is cool and you can read on.
However this leads to the author not only committing one of my pet peeves in P&P what ifs but did it repeatedly. Yes, we all know that in P&P Jane loves Bingley and Bingley loves Jane but in this book He is UNAVAILABLE! Yet Jane frequently ponders that Bingley would have been her type had he been available, while other characters ponder that Jane would have been Bingley's type had he been SINGLE. Either this is the MOST HEAVY HANDED foreshadowing EVER! Or the author is afraid we won't know he read the source material. I might have accepted one example of this from Darcy since he knows that Bingley and Georgiana's marriage is more of convenience and less of deepest love; because that is the kind of 'thinks too much' reflection Darcy is famous for; but from anyone else it is cynical and from our dear Jane it is downright creepy. Later the author applies a similar method for Lizzy, Jane and Fitzwilliam to repeatedly say "It's a good thing Lydia isn't here, she'd be sure to embarrass us" OKAY WE GET IT YOU KNOW THE SOURCE MATERIAL so does your reader don't keep shoving it down our throats.
This is one of those stories that makes me want to trot out the My Fellow Americans quote 'lots of talking nothing really happens' and I feel like the author missed a chance to create a great book about the lives of Charles and Jane with new partners and instead used them as a plot device to put more people at Rosings.

The main issues keeping ODC apart is Darcy overhearing Lizzy making a quip about making Jane fall in love with Col. Fitzwilliam because he is wealthy; and Jump to Conclusions Barbie err Darcy decides that all Bennets are fortune hunters and he holds on to this belief after every other character tells him he is WRONG. Mr. Collins is presented in a way that shows him to be not only stupid but stubborn and disrespectful to this patroness.

We have other characters acting stupidly, Mrs. Bennet & Lydia demanding Lydia replace Lizzy on Jane's wedding trip, a new character who starts out being described as a rake but ends up being more of a shovel digging himself into a hole... (that's a joke son, a joke). And other new characters whose only purpose seems to be to like Lizzy and tell Darcy he is wrong about her.

Baited Breath (this is also a pet peeve)
bated:in great suspense; very anxiously or excitedly.
baited: deliberately annoy or taunt, torment
prepare (a hook, trap, net, or fishing area) with bait to entice fish or animals as prey.
Now my Kindle Wikipedia entry allows for baited breath but I don't. Unless Baited breath is used to describe Mr. Collins (his breath smelled like worms or rotting fish)
Amiss de Bourgh - funny but wrong
tell (someone) repeatedly to do something.

    austenesque austenesque18 ku
April 19, 2022

One of the author’s best stories

At the beginning of the story we get some newish what-ifs.

Then, except for a Wickham incident, the story is much like the original P&P. No kidnappings, gun play, etc. just a great story of people living their lives. It was very interesting and pleasant to read.

I recommend this book highly.

Sheila Majczan

2,480 reviews174 followers

November 26, 2018

4.5 rounded up to 5 stars - This is one of this author's better stories.

We have Darcy and Bingley rushing to Ramsgate after the former receives a letter which gives him some unease. While halting the elopement gossip is still a worrisome issue and it is Bingley who decides that offering for her hand will soon quiet that problem.

Soon afterwards the couple along with Darcy and the Colonel show up in Meryton as the Bingleys have leased Netherfield. Not only will Darcy help Bingley learn to manage an estate, the Colonel is along to add his connections to helping this couple make their way in society. Soon that latter man notices Jane Bennet and with an inheritance of an estate has nothing to stop him in that interest. Darcy has his own opinions and they are reinforced by an overheard conversation between Elizabeth Bennet and Charlotte Lucas. He now KNOWS the Bennet family is comprised of fortune-seeking women! (Remember he doesn't know Elizabeth's humor or how some remarks are the opposite of her opinions.)

Darcy leaves on the cusp of two proposals so he is not aware of all that goes on in his absence. But he has some time to learn much more when he, the Bingleys, the colonel, Jane and Elizabeth Bennet arrive at Rosings for the annual visit. The latter three come from a visit to Brighton so the colonel is protector to two ladies.

Lady Catherine is different in this variation. While she still commands center stage, questions and directs everyone she takes time to consider motives and if she sees worth in those even offers helpful advice. Imagine that.

While Darcy is extremely stubborn about holding on to his views about the Bennets, Collins is obnoxious to the point that one suspects he might become physically abusive towards Elizabeth. Even warnings from his patroness, Lady C. seem to go over his head.

Yes, there is a HEA. This story is long. And Wickham's part is not over and done with after Ramsgate. I found this book to be a page turner and enjoyed it.

Barbara Klaser

659 reviews17 followers

July 28, 2022

This is a much longer than average variation on Pride and Prejudice, with an interesting twist at the beginning, when just after Georgiana Darcy's near-elopement with George Wickham, Charles Bingley offers for her and is accepted. The Bingley-Darcy party arrives in Meryton with that pair already married, and with the addition of Colonel Fitzwilliam.

It's a long, slow-moving story, so be warned, if you prefer your JAFF to be fast-paced or angst-driven, this is not for you. Added to that, for about half to three-quarters of this long novel, I wanted to throttle Darcy within an inch of his life, numerous times. But all in all it's a satisfying story.

    fiction georgian-regency jane-austen-variation


471 reviews

October 31, 2018

Loved this story. I know there are mixed reviews but I loved the story. If you are a Jane and Bingley fan you might not like this. I’m personally a col Fitzwilliam fan and loved the journey. Definitely recommend

Sam H.

994 reviews45 followers

October 16, 2022

This is more 3.5 for me and it is painful for me to write this review, as I am such a huge fan of JR. As much as I liked reading it, I ended with an -oh well, there's that- feeling.
For such a long book, nothing much really happens. No real dramatic angst, it kind of lalala plodded along and IMHO there was a LOT of repetitive phrases and thoughts, which were so unnecessary. Like being hit over the head with a bat, we get it... blah blah...
However, it is a beautiful, calm read, and I do recommend it for that.

2021 reread. While I appreciated this writing and story a little more this time around, it is still not his best. Almost boring. And the Bingley Georgiana thing was just not believable.
Don't think I will reread again.

    2021 2022 jaff


194 reviews9 followers

October 22, 2018

Another good read from Jann Rowland

This book starts with a different premise, that of Bingley involved with the Wickham affair at Ramsgate. This leads to Bingley marrying Georgiana, and the fallout from this is quite intriguing. I really enjoyed the Lady Catherine depicted in this novel, and her influence on the story is remarkable. This is a lovely read, that I will be reading again.



298 reviews11 followers

April 26, 2021

As with many super prolific authors, Rowlands works can be very uneven. Some of his books are downright weak with silly plots, poor characterization and overall rushed feel.

Often his earlier work, although unpolished, can be far more engaging than his newer books. Probably because those were still written from a fan perspective, out of love for the characters whereas the later ones seem a bit ... churned out.

Whispers of the Heart is one of the more pleasing JAFF variations from this author. It is long - too long - and uneven. Definitely could have benefited from some cutting and editing.

Yes, it has fairly unpleasant and, quite frankly, dumb Darcy. Yes, Mr Collins is even more of a caricature than usual. Yes, Elizabeth is a special snowflake and sometimes a bit of a mean girl. Yes, not much really happens. It's all conversations and visiting and carriage rides and picnics.

But Jane gets a lovely husband and happy marriage and lady Catherine is written into a much pleasanter human being without a total personality transplant. Andy Darcy, once he makes up his mind, is actually pretty decent at courting and gives a decent grovel when he messes up.

All in all, a likeable, if meandering read.

    4 grovel jaff


933 reviews4 followers

October 21, 2018

I like this author. I wanted to give 4 stars but the book was too dull for me to do so. I did like Lady C's new attributes and was intrigued by the beginning of the story but it went on and on. Darcy was a dog with a bone which grew tiresome as well. I applaud his efforts though.


261 reviews8 followers

July 9, 2020


I enjoyed reading this book- it was, at times, a bit detailed and repetitive. I enjoyed it nevertheless and simply skimmed over what became too tedious. Several bits of foreshadowing that lumbered into the story... primarily as concern one character (Mr. Wickham, of course.). The author seems to have put forth general tension (primarily in the form of the overt foreshadowing and the persistently obtuse Mr. Collins), as opposed to spending time working up any sexual tension between Elizabeth and Darcy. Elizabeth rolls over, realizes she’s in love and we wait for Darcy to come to the point. By the time he does it seems perfunctory.
What I enjoyed - Jane’s relationship with her unexpected paramour, Bingley (who all but disappears from the story after the first day at Rosings) and his wife, and the introduction of cousin Charity. Only a few proofreading errors.

*July, 2020 edit:
I have recently been made aware that this author is part of the Austen Authors Facebook group. That group removed a post by one of its authors about including a diversity of characters in JAFF. The group claims that a discussion of inclusion violates its commitment to “neutrality” in social issues. My contention is that if they aren’t even willing to post this as a topic for discussion, they are making white supremacy their neutral position. I’m deeply saddened that this author has made the decision to stay in the group, and feel that readers have a right to know before they spend their money.


742 reviews7 followers

December 22, 2018

Avid Reader

This is definitely one of the author's best books besides the Bennett Saga. Darcy's favorite cousin and best friend Colonel Fitzwilliam meets, falls in love, and married Jane Bennett. Darcy does not approve and is livid because he is convinced the Bennett family are fortune hunters. Darcy stands up for his cousin, but returns to Pemberly to a lonely estate because Georgina is married to Bingley. Darcy is the only one suffering because Colonel Fitzwilliam is blissfully happy with Jane. His family welcomes Jane and Elizabeth much to Darcy's consternation. To make matters worse, Georgina also likes them. Wickham is the same but tries for another target after he failed with Georgina. Lady Catherine finally realizes that Darcy loves Elizabeth and won't marry Anne. Not a lot of angst until Wickham enters.

Madenna U

1,952 reviews1 follower

November 27, 2018

This Pride and Prejudice variation starts with Darcy and Bingley stopping the elopement in Ramsgate. The result of which is Georgiana becoming Mrs Bingley. This creates a different situation when the Bingley party, including Colonel Fitzwilliam, leases Netherfield. Darcy is convinced that the Bennet's are mercenary, but luckily the Colonel takes his own path to capture the heart of Jane. Elizabeth is invited to join them on their honeymoon which puts her in the path of the Fitzwilliam family who grow to love her, much to Darcy's dismay.

The bulk of the story is the slow understanding developing between Darcy and Elizabeth with a few bumps in the road. Most of it is Darcy "dragging his feet" before they find their happily ever after.

    genre-history-romance genre-jaff rate-enjoyed-it

Jean Stillman

900 reviews9 followers

December 1, 2018

This is the second book that I have read by this author. I found it to be better than the first one, with a different take on the characters. In this variation, Bingley saves Georgianna's reputation by marrying her, following the near elopment at Ramsgate. I loved his character, in this book, Dr the backbone he has. Usually he is portrayed as young, inexperienced, and lacking in any self confidence. Their marriage spins a whole new take on the events that take place when Bingley leases Netherfield.
The colonel falls for Jane, in spite of Darcy's attempts to remove him from Netherfield. In this variation, I found Darcy to be a total ads for much of the book in his stubborn dislike of all things Bennet. Finally, he does come around. One of the shocking, and my favorite character, is Lady Catherine. Loved that she has a heart in this version and actually proves to be human. Overall, I would say it is a very good read, although there are some areas where I felt things stretched on to border on boring.

Tina McCall

32 reviews1 follower

January 20, 2019

Colonel Fitzwilliam

I feel that I was generous to give this work three stars. There were too many instances that were just unbelievable to me. Darcy forms his opinion of the Bennets based on one overheard conversation and would not be persuaded against his opinion regardless of the evidence in front of him. Then suddenly Elizabeth was the desire of his heart. Elizabeth is intrigued by a stranger that she met twice, enough so to chase him through the streets when seen in another town. Anne secretly meets her own "stranger" and falls for him, but only because everyone else has someone.
With all that said, the biggest hurdle for me was the fact that Colonel Fitzwilliam was the main star of this book. He was the driving force throughout the entire book. Very little D&E in this one.
Mr Collins was way over the top which isn't unusual for this author. Typically, this author depicts at least one of the usual P&P villains in a way that is just entirely ridiculous but there are usually other reasons to like the book. Not this time! Not my favorite.

MichelleH H

302 reviews5 followers

February 5, 2019

I find it hard to describe this book, except that it is different, yet it isn't. Not helpful I know. I also find it hard to write negative views, because if I didn't find it particularly great, that doesn't mean someone else wouldn't. I think there are enough interesting twists and flips in this story that it will appeal to those readers wanting something different. What Rowland does with those differences is done very well....if you've gotten this far you know that Bingley and Georgianna marry in the beginning and have a happy marriage. I liked the difference in Lady C. Collins is so bad in this one I really wanted someone to take him behind the woodshed....badly. I loved the Colonel in this one too.

I just found it too long, and not a page turner, having to force myself to keep going to find out when Darcy was finally going to come to his senses and trust and love Elizabeth.


lori huff

997 reviews22 followers

March 23, 2019

A master storyteller

I'm a big fan of Mr. Rowland, and he never fails to conjure up an interesting tale. There is always plenty of suspense, conflict, and misunderstandings, followed by sweet reconciliation and romance. In this story, Darcy is particularly stubborn and blockheaded in his attitude towards Elizabeth, withstanding the opinions of his nearest relations who all value her integrity. He just refuses to give up his implacable dislike of her formed by an overheard comment made by her early in their acquaintance. It takes Lady Catherine, of all people, to penetrate his resolve and point out Elizabeth's worth.

I love Lady Catherine in this book. Her character is much more reasonable and human than in the original version. The introduction of Charity, Fitzwilliam's sister, is a pleasure. There are several other new characters introduced which add new depth to certain events. The couple s dynamic is all switched around: Bingley with Georgiana, Jane with Col. Fitzwilliam, Mr. Collins with a new character. The writing is first rate, just sometimes repetitive and too wordy. I deducted a star for the marriage of Bingley and Georgiana early in the story. I just couldn't imagine that occurring as it did, especially since she was fifteen years old. Otherwise, I highly recommend it.


34 reviews

December 25, 2018


I’ve read several (ok hundreds) of PnP variations and most paint both Lady Catherine and Caroline Bingley as ridiculously, idiotic women. I started this in anticipation of the “same old, same old” and was very pleasantly surprised by how this author wrote both ladies dialogue. Granted Caroline at first glance seemed the same but rather than going down the typical rabbit hole, chose to take her character in a direction that I found delightful! And I can say the same about Lady Catherine...and Collins...oh my...this author has depicted Collins perfectly. It’s lengthy but I thought it was very good!


1,088 reviews

January 16, 2019

Overly long & drawn out. Darcy spent far too long being hung up on the fortune hunter thing, and then he took ages to get to the point even though everyone kept making really obvious remarks about marriage in front of him (even E at one point). Parts were quite boring and I skimmed. Not much depth to anyone. A few mistakes, esp in phrasing which at times was strange.

Liked - Lady C, Jane & the Colonel, the Fitzwilliams. The idea of Bingley swooping in was an interesting one and I would have liked to see more of them as a couple.


30 reviews1 follower

August 13, 2019

Well written Happily Ever After

While this variation drastically sidesteps cannon, it does not follow that it is not a good read. I usually enjoy Jann Rowland's work and this story was no exception. A practically perfect Elizabeth, a drastically flawed Darcy, a more mature Georgina, and an additional cousin all come together in this well fleshed out variation.

Editing: well edited (read with text-to-speech but noticed only one error)

Sexytimes: No, this HEA is a Sweet Romance.

Recommended: yes, and I've taken my own advice and read it twice!

Lisa E

599 reviews

December 6, 2018

Well done

Well written, few mistakes, believable. I might deduct half a point for the one about "Miss" vs "Mrs." Bingley; goes to show how good the book is overall that I wish to deduct only half a point for that glaring error. I don't like Richard's name being Anthony, but maybe he is such a different character from Richard Fitzwilliam that I can finally accept it; and I loved his protective brother stance and firmness in knowing his own heart and Jane's.

Stacey Scott

34 reviews

May 3, 2023

enjoyable read

a bit long with a seemingly quick ending but all in all, the book was an enjoyable read.. the usual villains are present but Lady Catherine was not amongst the usual culprits of mayhem.. of Caroline, she was handled with kid gloves despite her cattiness, Wickham was his usual smarmy self.. and Mr. Collins, showed his simpleton-ness (doubtful it is a true word) as usual and he held that title well. Enjoy..!

Michele Packard-milam

351 reviews10 followers

January 19, 2019

A Good, Solid P&P Variation

Jann Rowland does a good job as an author of these variations. The premise is fairly different, while the canon remains faithful. I enjoyed it. There are some typos that need to be cleaned up, and a few anachronistic words, like “uptight,” but it’s a good read.


1,344 reviews4 followers

March 30, 2020

Heart always knows

I loved this book. I loved how different the beginning was. I believe have a different scenario changed most of the characters situation. Wickham never changes just portrait differently. How Darcy and Elizabeth come together is uniquely written. Highly recommended to read

Sherry Edmondson

18 reviews

July 11, 2023

My Newest Favorite

I never get tired of the scheming of Wickham, Miss Bingley, and others who try the patience and fortitude of Darcy and Elizabeth. It took a long time for them to come to an agreement with this version, but it allowed the development of many other characters. I especially liked the ending. Well done 👏


59 reviews1 follower

November 10, 2018

Slow, tedious, redundant

Darcy and Elizabeth 's romance is dull at best, Georgians and Bingleys romance is dull, Jane and Fitzwilliam are dull. Even the conflict is almost non existent. Daddy's objection are so redundant it becomes tedious. Not a favorite by this author.


961 reviews9 followers

November 21, 2018

A different path

But an enjoyable experience, even when st times I would have hit Darcy on the head. Thoroughly entertaining ad original, but maintaining the integrity of the characters.


59 reviews1 follower

November 30, 2018


Lots of characters that are well Developed and all play significant roles. Wickham comes and stirs up trouble several times. Lady Catherine is growing on me. One request please. Don't use the word partake. Almost sounds like cannibalism to me.


16 reviews

December 19, 2018

I so loved this alternate tale of Darcy and Elizabeth. No one changed in essentials, but some individuals characters were tempered somewhat. For me, that helped to make the story believable. I will be re-reading this again!!


237 reviews4 followers

April 28, 2020

Something new for Jane and Lizzy!

Jane's relationship is cemented close to the start of the story, so we get to travel with the happy couple along with Elizabeth, as she discovers that no-one is quite who she thought they were.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 32 reviews

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Whispers of the Heart (2024)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.